Sainer & Bezt, the only two members of the Etam Cru, recently visited Italy right after opening their solo show in Barcelona (covered). The Polish art duo stopped in Gaeta, where they created this large mural for the ongoing Memorie Urbane festival. This time, the two put aside their darker surrealist concepts, and did this playful piece showing a little boy selling his toys, symbolizing the end of childhood and entry into the world of grownups. This large wall includes some of their familiar elements such as floral patterns, crowns, floating hats, skulls, dimmed & undersaturated colors, etc, which are seen repeating in many of their previous works, both in galleries and on the streets. Working with brushes & spray paint, and creating such appealing image, the artists produced a beautiful street piece that once again proved their position in the street art scene.

Discuss Etam Cru here.