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Category Archives: Contemporary Art

Releases: Jeff Soto – “Seeker Friends #1: Roller Skater”

Jeff Soto (interviewed) has something new for his fans out there. Roller Skater is the first in a series of Seeker Friends prints and will be available next Thursday, April 5th at noon PST. the 6″x 6″ edition from Prints On Wood will be available for 24 hours and cost $25 + shipping with $1 of every sale going to plant one tree through the Plant A Billion Trees program. You can expect a new image every month or so. Take a peek of future ones after […]

Preview: Bonhams Urban Art Auction

Tonight in London, the Bonhams Urban Art Auction will be getting underway. With the pieces that are made available for bidding and the results of great interest to collectors out there, all eyes will be on the lots up for sale including many familiar names and some new ones. Of note is the renewed confidence or at least renewed hopes in the Banksy market with no less than 17 works offered up including the first time for Leopard and Barcode (est. £60,000-80,000). See all the […]

Teaser: George Condo @ PRISM

For our West Coast readers who looked with jealous eyes across the country to the George Condo retrospective (covered) hosted at the New Museum last year, now comes your opportunity. The PRISM Gallery has assembled the first extensive exhibition of George Condo’s work in Los Angeles with a selection of paintings, drawings and sculptures across a wide span of his career with special emphasis on the portrait-style work of the last decade. We’ll see you there on April 7th. Discuss George Condo here.

Openings: Cheryl Dunn – “Sometimes the Answer” @ Ivory & Black

Last Friday, Ivory & Black in London celebrated their grand opening with a show from New York-based Cheryl Dunn of Beautiful Losers’ fame. The acclaimed filmmaker and photographer has made a career of documenting urban and youth culture spanning a wide expanse of subjects such as skaters, the homeless, musicians, graffiti, artists, and their processes. A large crowd was on hand to check out various photos from her 30 years of shooting as well to a limited edition artist’s book that was released that night. […]

Teaser: Ryan McGinness – “Geometric Primitives” @ Pace Primitive

On Friday night, March 30th, Pace Primitive in New York will be hosting the opening of Ryan McGinness’ newest solo show entitled Geometric Primitives. The title of the show plays off a term used in computer graphics, which is part of NYC-based artist’s process, that refer the smallest and irreducible geometric elements that the system can handle such as lines, circles, curves, and polygons. Continuing on this theme, McGinness has taken advantage of Pace Primitive’s inventory of African art, which has historically featured schematic reductions of […]

Showing: Armsrock – “Stedfortrædere” @ MOHS Exhibit

A couple weeks ago, AM dropped by MOHS Exhibit in Copenhagen to take a look at a new collection of work from Armsrock (interviewed) for his latest show. After previewing some of the paintings in his studio recently, it was nice to see his artistic vision realized on the walls of the space alongside work from Sif Itona Westerberg in their joint show entitled Stedfortrædere (translated to Delegates). The exhibition ends April 21st, so you still have plenty of time to check it out yourself if […]

Preview: Tessar Lo – “Past, Present, Past-Present” @ Cooper Cole

For those in Toronto, Tessar Lo’s solo show titled Past, Present, Past-Present will be opening this Friday, March 30th at the Cooper Cole Gallery. For his home city, the thoughtful painter has assembled a collection of works that continues to build off what we saw from him during his last show (covered) at the renamed showspace. The new paintings, which feature his signature abstract dream-like imagery which reference his Asian heritage look to be lush and colorful. Also, available will be a sculptural edition, don’t […]

Teaser: Morgan Spurlock Curated “New Blood” @ Thinkspace

Acclaimed filmmaker and art collector Morgan Spurlock will be curating a group exhibition next month entitled New Blood. Featuring a roster of artists hand-picked by Spurlock, the showing will open April 28th at the Thinkspace Gallery and include a diverse lineup of Camille Rose Garcia, Travis Lampe, The Date Farmers, Albert Reyes, Dzine, Jesus Bubu Negron, Elizabeth McGrath, Morgan Slade, Gary Baseman, Jesse Dickenson, Gary Taxali, Adrian Forrow, Jonathan Yeo, Charlie Gouldsborough, Mark Jenkins, Sandra Fernandez, Nicola Verlato, Marco Mazzoni, Ron English, Kid Zoom, Saber, […]

Openings: “Love & Hate” @ StolenSpace

Last month, the StolenSpace Gallery in London hosted a show that opened around Valentine’s Day appropriate to the theme entitled Love & Hate. For the group exhibition, most artists created two works, one for each of the strong emotions that often seems linked hand in hand depending on the situation. Because of the concept behind the showing, the pieces that were presented had an interesting dichotomy that made the exhibition well worth seeing. More photos after the jump by Henrik Haven…

Openings: Andrew Schoultz & Richard Colman – “To Be Announced” @ V1 Gallery

Several days ago, the V1 Gallery in Copenhagen played host to two talented artists from the US, Andrew Schoultz and Richard Colman, finally fulfilling their longstanding wish to exhibit together in a joint show. To Be Announced presents bodies of work where both San Francisco-based artists venture into new territory together with experimentations in fresh artistic styles (for some of their pieces). Schoultz continues his exploration of the imagery of the American flag, spurred by his discovery when purchasing this symbol of his home country, […]