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Tag Archives: Seen on Events

Streets: Nick Walker (New York)

After traveling to Japan, UK-based artist Nick Walker (interviewed) returned to New York City for a residency that will lead him up to a showing in the Big Apple (more on that soon). To warm up, Mr. Walker worked down in the Lower East Side area of Manhattan and created a complicated mural featuring some of his most iconic imagery. With the process taking place over two days, Walker finished a beautiful montage giving us a glimpse of the wildness going on in the mind of […]

Streets: ROA (Gambia)

On a recent trip to Africa to participate in the Wide Open Walls project, the Belgium-based ROA’s animal repertoire took a decidedly more exotic turn. Featuring giraffes, zebras, elephants, monkeys, other common safari sightings, the anatomically-inclined street artist contributed walls to the project that promotes Gambia as a tourist destination. Perhaps that’s why he held back on the usual dissection and other mishaps that typically accompanies the creatures in his imagery. More photos from Ekosystem after the jump…