Herakut’s (interviewed) show “Dirty Laundry” (previewed) is officially opening tonight but here are some photos from the preview night courtesy of Romanywg (photographer extraordinaire). The setup looks amazing – from the “flesh suit laundry” installation to the presumably custom painted walls. Everything was top notch.
We had originally thought that because of the fact that it was an exhibition of pre-commissioned paintings that it would be a pretty random show. We were wrong. All the pieces in this new body of work definitely fits together – from the forlorn fleshy children in their animal suits to the masterful use of colors and textures – it was all obviously created with one thematic vision in mind. Check out many more pics after the jump…
Hera & Akut

Limited edition print (50) for people who purchased paintings and associated “helpers” of the show
Many more pics on Romanywg’s Flickr.
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