AM stopped by Salon 94 to check out Marilyn Minter’s latest show “Green Pink Caviar.” One of our favorite photographers, Marilyn is again at her best with her signature style of showcasing glamor and its realistic underbelly. Through her unique vision, the viewer is transported to a world of vibrant colors and lusciously sexy subjects. Best known for her stunning photographs, Minter is also an accomplished painter and this body of work also features her largest photo-realistic painting to date. Continued after the jump…

Marilyn also made a short video to run with the exhibition. In her directorial debut, she casts her subject using their lips and tongue licking, sucking and mixing paint and saliva in a hypnotic motion. The video also plays as part of Creative Time’s “Chewing Color” on the MTV Billboard in Time Square. A limited run DVD has been produced for Minter’s fans and is available here. The show runs until June 11th and is definitely worth checking out.