Chris Stain and Billy Mode

Chris Stain and Billy Mode

On Saturday night, AM attended the opening of “Rooms” at Scion Space (previewed). The show, curated by Roger Gastman, certainly brought us back to the old school days of youth.  A wide array of nostalgic goodness such as Laser Tag, VHS lined living rooms, Michael Jordan & Dream Team posters, elementary school desks, bus stops, gothic throwbacks and even an outdoor street/play area were included.  There was literally something for everyone to reminisce on.  The artists: Adam Wallacavage, Bill Daniel, Chris Stain, Dan Monick & Caitlin Reilly, Dueling VHS, Justin Van Hoy, Kime Buzzelli, and Rocky Grimes really put together a cohesive show for all who attended.

See it all after the jump…

Adam Wallacavage

Adam Wallacavage