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Monthly Archives: April 2014

Showing: Pedro Matos @ “Cidadela Art District”

The Portuguese coastal town of Cascais near Lisbon recently saw the opening of Europe’s first hotel-managed arts district inside a recently renovated Renaissance-era fortress, run by Pousada de Cascais Cidadela Historic Hotel. Their “Arts District” project invited six artists for a year-long residency, during which their studios as well as five new art galleries will be open to public. Also, resident artists will create site-specific works as well as hotel room installations in order showcase their work to their guests. This year’s artists list include Pedro Matos, Bruno […]

Studio Visits: Michael Kagan – “Thunder in the Distance” @ Joshua Liner

AM recently had the pleasure of visiting the Brooklyn studio of painter Michael Kagan as he prepares for his upcoming exhibition at Joshua Liner Gallery which opens April 3rd. Entitled Thunder in the Distance, this latest body of work continues his exploration of space aviation. Known for painting with oils, Kagan employs an impasto technique which utilizes thick and deliberate strokes. From upclose, the paintings seem to be almost coming apart, but take a few steps back and it appears to re-form tightly into a […]

Openings: Dennis Morris – “Bob Marley: Giant” @ Known Gallery

Over the weekend, the Known Gallery in Los Angeles hosted the opening for an exhibition from Dennis Morris, a UK-based photographer especially known for his work in the music industry. This particular showing focuses on his iconic shots of Bob Marley, a seminal period of time in his young career when he toured with the Jamaican singer-songwriter. The night also featured the release of a collaboration print with Shepard Fairey, with some of the edition set aside (which is being released online as we speak). Photo credit: […]

Armory Week ’14: Armory Art Fair (Part 1)

Last month, tens of thousands flocked to New York City to participate in Armory Week. Manhattan was filled with satellite fairs and exhibitions highlighting the vibrant arts culture in one of the main hubs of the US. At the center of it all is the flagship Armory Art Show. The long standing fair features some of the top galleries in the world displaying an amazing range of artistry. From younger emerging artists to household names, we doubt you’ll not find something exciting at this mainstay […]