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Openings: “Now’s the Time” @ Black Rat Press

As we mentioned in our preview, Black Rat Projects opened their doors a while back to a pretty impressive collection of the street scene a couple weeks ago. Just like the “Thousands” show last year, this exhibition gave fans a chance to see all their favorite street artists (including Jean-Michel Basquiat, Keith Haring, Shepard Fairey (featured), Swoon (interviewed), Banksy, Barry Mcgee, Faile (featured) and Os Gemeos) at the same time under one roof. Other than museum shows, this is probably the only way you can […]

Preview: Jana Brike – “The Lost Children” @ Distinction Gallery

UK based artist Jana Brike will be bringing her surrealistic “paintings” stateside for a solo show opening this weekend at the Distinction Gallery. Much like how her special technique blends the digital with more tradional methods, her artistic vision appears to be a strange yet fantastic melding of the human and plant word creating some unforgettable imagery. “The Lost Children” opens on May 8th and for those interested, check out more preview images after the jump…

Streets: EINE in Japan

It looks like UK street artist EINE was over in Japan for a show at Gallery 503 recently. Apparently, he had a lot of time to throw up some pieces in the street, mainly due to getting stranded because of the recent volcanic eruption in Iceland.  Eine ended up painting 22 shutters and walls, though it looks like he only used the English alphabet for his fans in Tokyo… Take a look at more images after the jump.

Preview: Allison Sommers – “Schlareffenland” @ Thinkspace Gallery

This weekend, Allison Sommers (interviewed) will be bringing her merry band of longnecks to Culver City for an exhibition at the Thinkspace Gallery. This time, she has given a name to the strange yet beautiful world her characters inhabit – Schlareffenland, also the title of the show. Based off some of the most imaginative worlds we have seen, this new body of work will include incredibly detailed paintings, sculptures, and drawings. Take a look at some preview images after the jump as well as taking […]

Openings: Hush – “Passing Through” @ Shooting Gallery

Completing a trio of great shows (along with ABOVE and Blek le Rat) on a great art weekend for SF was Hush’s (interviewed) “Passing Through” at the Shooting Gallery. In somewhat of a departure from previous work as hinted by our studio visit, the Newcastle-based artist, known for his anime influenced imagery, has been experimenting with a more realistic form with some great results, but as you can see from the triptych above, he isn’t opposed to mixing the old with the new. More opening […]

Openings: Blek le Rat – “Faces in the Mirror” @ White Walls

Street art pioneer and living legend, Blek le Rat, opened up his solo show last weekend at the White Walls Gallery in SF. Showing alongside ABOVE, Blek brought along some classic imagery and some new gems as well as a cool installation piece. More pics after the jump…

Openings: ABOVE – “Transitions” @ White Walls Gallery

Intrepid traveler and arrows and axioms street slanger, ABOVE (interviewed), slowed down recently to put on a show (along with Blek Le Rat) for his San Francisco fans. The prolific street artist and activist has put together a show “Transitions” at the White Walls Gallery featuring some of his classic imagery including his hanging arrows, witty word-play and axioms, as well as stencils and installations showing off some of his well-known placement skills. If you are in the Bay Area, make sure to check out […]

Preview: Luke Chueh – “Beginnings / Endings (And Other Worthless Ephiphanies)” @ Copro Gallery

In addition to the images we had for you in our teaser for Luke Chueh’s (interviewed) show this weekend, we have some new images for you from the new body of work entitled “Beginnings / Endings (And Other Worthless Ephiphanies)”. Reprising some of his favorite imagery from the past, this show opening Saturday, May 8th at the Copro Gallery, is meant to be, like the title suggests, a stylistic bookend before Luke begins to explore and experiment with themes inspired by his love/hate relationship with […]

Streets: Banksy in SF (Part IV)

Apparently Banksy has been real busy in San Francisco as another five new stencils have been discovered (see previous six here). Combining business with pleasure, the stealthy street artist has hit up famous spots like the Fisherman’s Wharf and Alcatraz. We can’t remember the last time Banksy has gifted one city with so many street pieces, so fans in the Bay Area are definitely the subject of some worldwide jealousy at the moment. All the images after the jump…

Openings: Oakland Museum of California with Group Show (including Barry Mcgee)

Tipped off by the good people at Hi-Fructose to a great show opening at the Oakland Museum of California, we were please to see that one of our friends, gamma888, had a nice photoset of pics from the show (especially of the sick Barry McGee installation). After two years of remodeling, the museum is reopening their Gallery of California Art to the public and for our readers in the Bay Area, definitely stop by to take a look for yourself. You can see more pics […]