Tessar Lo made his solo exhibition debut this past Saturday with “Future Perfect†(previewed) at LeBasse Projects. Lo certainly impressed with this latest series of dream-like paintings which represents his exploration of “independence and hope for my personal history. Accepting my humanity is to understand that my existence partially relies on others. Though I’d want to know what it’s like to not rely on, need or respond to anyone but myself, no man is an island.” The show also features a notable installation from Lo which continues around the theme and contains personal artifacts, including his childhood stuffed rabbit and recent sketch books.
In the gallery’s project room, Eric Fortune exhibited his aptly titled show, “Lost in Light.” (previewed) With his largest showing to date, Fortune made it clear that his talents lie not only in his masterful manipulation of light and shadows, but also in the overall execution of his work, which put simply, demands attention and then slowly draws viewers in.
See all the photos from the opening after the jump.
- Tessar Lo
- Eric Fortune
Discuss the “Future Perfect” show here.
Discuss the “Lost in Light” show here.
Discuss Tessar Lo here.
Discuss Eric Fortune here.