AM stopped by the Nuit Blanche festival in Paris and got to catch the tail end of JR and crew wheat pasting their ginormous photo installations for his “Women are Heroes” (previewed) show which is part of his 28 Millimetre project (We were wondering how he got to the lower parts of the bridges). We also took in the city via boat to tour the streets to enjoy the photographic installations that graced many parts of the “City of Love.”

As mentioned previously, this phase consolidates all the women from his previous stops all over the world (Africa, India, Cambodia, Brazil) in one show. It was amazing how many places JR hit up in Paris, from buildings to bridges. The sheer scale and dedication from JR makes this a must see if have a chance to stop by Paris before November 2nd. Check out the pics after the jump.

Photos by s.butterfly (AM:UK).
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