Two of our favorite artists from the contemporary rock poster renaissance currently underway, Aaron Horkey and Jay Ryan, have just released a collaborative 25-color screenprint entitled “Versus”.  The print, who’s layers were hand separated (no computers used!), measures in a just a little over 12″ x 29″ and is currently available here.  The higher priced variant edition looks to be sold out already, but with Horkey hand embellishments, similar to the “Detritus” print we saw from his showing at FIFTY24SF couple years back, we’re not too surprised!

Process photos and little more info on the various layers after the jump.

Color Layering Process:
1. sky/stripes
2. sky/stripes
3. background light blue cloud flood
4. brontotherium yellow flood
5. background cloud blue shadow
6. pangolin orange flood
7. brontotherium shadow texture
8. pangolin shadow
9. grey foreground cloud flood
10. sky trans overprint
11. lighter grey foregound cloud shadow
12. brontotherium shadow flood
13. brontotherium highlight flood
14. brontotherium highlight texture
15. background cloud highlight
16. tongues
17. pangolin highlight flood
18. pangolin highlight texture
19. background cloud second highlight
20. highlight foreground dust
21. key plate background cloud
22. key plate pangolin
23. key plate foreground cloud
24. key plate brontotherium & grass
25. key plate dark shadows & grass