AM met up with Roa when he was in London a couple of weeks ago and we watched him in action painting a large wall from a Hoxton rooftop. The Belgian street artist is producing some of the freshest outdoor work around at the moment with his layering and placement of pieces a key ingredient in the strength of his work. Roa spends hours treading the streets of various cities searching for locations for his work. His clever use of dynamics and perspective in his multiple layered works is what we find fascinating about his anatomically themed animal pieces.

The wall he was working on was arranged by our friends at VNA magazine, which will feature the piece you see here on it’s next issue cover. Roa completed the feathered outsides of the bird first, and then blacked out the bird in preparation for him to paint out the nerve system. A further and final skeletal layer was to follow as we bailed to go gallery hopping on a busy first-Thursday evening.

Keep an eye out for an impending magazine release date and further flicks of this piece from the VNA boys, but for the time being, enjoy our teaser pics of Roa laying this impressive piece down after the jump.

Discuss Roa here.
Discuss VNA here.