After revealing the first mural from the RVA Street Art Festival from Mark Jenkins (interviewed) as part of last week’s street art roundup, we now have even more photos for those of you not in Richmond, Virginia. Jeff Soto (interviewed) has sent us some images filled with mural action from the event, including this deeply personal piece he worked on.
We’ll be back with the completed photos later this week but for now, enjoy the photo set after the jump…
- The state capital building nearby.
- The crowds were huge Saturday.
- Ed Trask getting interviewed.
- El Kamino tribute to Richmond’s James River in progress.
- Hamilton Glass with his in-progress mural.
- Hense in progress wall.
- Mickael Broth in front of his wall.
- Nikki shuttling paint.
- Pose in action.
- Richard Colman in progress.
- Jeff Soto
- Vizie working on his wall.