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Monthly Archives: April 2014

Publications: Alex Lukas – “SAIII, JS, JT” Zine

Chicago-based artist Alex Lukas recently released a new self-published art book in the form of SAIII, JS, JT. The 56-page book contains a selection of different print mediums including color and B&W photocopy with risograph pages, with a number of fold-out spreads. SAIII, JS, JT is the fifth book in his ongoing series of publications titled by random and hard to pronounce found graffiti slogans. Previous titles have been VIID, DMM, RTMA, ANFX. They all incorporate a wide variety of printing techniques and contain drawings, photographs, installation […]

Showing: Dylan Egon – “American Holy Relics” @ Jonathan LeVine

Opening alongside Dan Witz (covered) at Jonathan LeVine Gallery was Jersey City based artist Dylan Egon. The show entitled  American Holy Relics explores themes such as American values, biotechnology, conspicuous consumption, and the shifting line between art & commerce. Dylan marries art and design with an appreciation for American culture and craftsmanship. Many components that we’ve seen in our studio visit with Egon were on display. The exhibition includes mixed media works on panel, ready-made sculptures, sound installations and unique object creations. One in particular that caught […]

Overtime: April 21 – April 27

More stories from the week that ended April 27 (click on bolded words for more information): Ryan McGinley shown by Team Gallery at Paris Photo LA, which opened this weekend. RIP: Robert Olsen, who died at the age of 44 from a probable heart attack. Vogue not working with Terry Richardson after new allegations (denied by Richardson) by Emma Appleton. A vandal uses razor to damage Arezoo Moseni’s work in a exhibition at Gallery 61. Jose Carlos Bergantiños Diaz arrested after being suspected of dealing […]

Armory Week ’14: ADAA Art Show

During Armory Week, one can view some of the most prestigious paintings and storied names in art at the ADAA Art Show. Held annually at the Park Avenue Armory (featured), this smaller fair showcases some significant artistic gems by hosting some of the most elite galleries out there. Taking a quick stroll around is not really an option as almost every booth features neck breaking artwork from older, as well as newer generation notables, such as Rothko, Haring, Condo, Turrell, Calder, Finch, Lewitt, Auerbach, Lichenstein, […]

Openings: Dan Witz – “NY Hardcore” @ Jonathan LeVine

Brooklyn-based artist Dan Witz recently opened a show consisting of a fresh series of paintings at Jonathan LeVine Gallery. Entitled NY Hardcore, this exhibition featured a new body of work that utilized his skills of old master painting techniques depicting hyper-realistic subjects. We experienced a healthy mix of portraiture and his high-energy mosh pit paintings that have been long enjoyed. This long-standing series is inspired by his experience in the early 80s, performing in post-punk noise bands during the downtown NY scene. The mosh pit paintings […]

Showing: Kenji Nakayama – “Études” @ 4th Wall Project

The 4th Wall Project opened the first major Boston solo show earlier this month from Japanese artist Kenji Nakayama. Departing from his typical work, the Beantown-based painter has produced a series focused on shapes, lines, textures, and colors collectively entitled Études. The forty nine pieces on display are informed by his background in sign-painting as well as the art of pinstriping – the art of decorative  painting that  Nakayama spent the last decade mastering. The number of works references the period of days for mourning observed […]

Openings: Torey Thornton – “Oh, Strange, That’s Your Name” @ Galerie TORRI

Earlier this month, Galerie TORRI in Paris opened Oh, Strange, That’s Your Name, a new solo from Torey Thornton. Although best known for his mixed-media pain­tings on large woo­den pa­nels, this exhibition focuses on a parallel series of works on paper from the young New York-based artist. For fans in the area, the showing runs through May 10th, and for those in Los Angeles, look for a display of his works at OHWOW later this year. Photo credit: Karl Hab. Discuss Torey Thornton here.

Openings: Swoon – “Submerged Motherlands” @ Brooklyn Museum

It’s been a long time coming and finally Swoon (interviewed) unveiled her massive installation at the Brooklyn Museum. Entitled Submerged Motherlands, this exhibition ties together many themes by the talented and dedicated artist from Red Hook. As previewed in her extensive installation preparation (here), Swoon created a site specific visual environment for all to enjoy. Taking advantage of the grand 72 foot rotunda of the museum, Swoon puts nature at the center with an awe inspiring 70 foot tree sculpture, adorned with reaching roots and a sweeping […]

Previews: Von – “Elsewhere” @ KK Outlet

On May 1st, KK Outlet in London will be presenting new drawings from Von (interviewed) entitled Elsewhere, based on photographs shot by Dan Sully. Readers of AM will already be familiar with the UK-based Von’s work as we have shared his imagery with you multiple times in the form of print giveaways (last being in 2013). For this showing, he has created portraiture in reaction to the way technology has creeped into our daily routine, rendered in his signature mixture of both abstract and detailed. Take a […]

Previews: Da Mental Vaporz – “The Wall” @ BC Gallery

Members of the French street-art collective Da Mental Vaporz  are currently in Berlin, working hard on their upcoming collaborative exhibition, The Wall, opening on the 26th of May at BC gallery. The show will include a display of works in the two spaces of the gallery, as well as two large public murals that can be seen in the surrounding area. The idea behind the exhibition and its title is to pay respect to “the most passionate part of most urban contemporary artists today” – THE WALL. […]