For those who love pop culture themed art shows out there, especially movie-focused group exhibitions, Spoke Art in San Francisco may have something interesting for you starting September 6th. Kubrick, An Art Show Tribute will be featuring works inspired of course by the films from the late Stanley Kubrick, where participants were asked re-imagine their favorite characters, scenes, and concepts from one of the world’s most prolific directors. As you can see from the piece (which will be released as a limited edition print) above based on the movie Lolita from Bartosz Kosowski, the artists can get quite clever with their imagery.
The full roster also includes Aaron Jasinski, Akira Beard, Alex Kirzhener, Anarkitty, Audrey Pongracz, Bruce White, Christine Hostetler, Crowded Teeth, Cuddly Rigor Mortis, Cuyler Smith, Dave MacDowell, Gene Guynn, Irma Rivera, Jen Mann, Jesse Riggle, Johannah O’Donnell, John Wentz, Jon Wayshack, Kate Zambrano, Kate Copeland, Kiersten Essenpreis, Mandy Tsung, Michael Ramstead, Nicole Gustafsson, Robert Wilson, Sandi Calistro, Sarah Joncas, Tim Maclean, Veronica Fish, Epyon 5, Meghan Stratman, Adam Maida, Brandon Schaefer, Chris Skinner, Chuck Sperry, Dan Black, David Moscati, Doug LaRocca, Eiko Ojala, Fernando Reza, Glen Brogan, James Gilleard, Jermaine Rogers, Jessica Deahl, Joshua Budich, Justin VanGenderen, Blunt Graffix, Oliver Barrett, Rhys Cooper, Sam Gilbey, Sam Ho, Sam Smith, Scott Mitchell, Tim Jordan, Tracie Ching, Thomas Walker, Van Orton Design, Guillaume Morellec, New Flesh, Vincent Aseo, Geoff Trapp, Steve Yamane, Ivonna Buenrostro, Jayde Fish, Brian Ewing, and Brian Methe.
Discuss this show here.