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Category Archives: Street & Urban Art

Videos: JR – “The Wrinkles Of The City – Los Angeles”

If you recall, there was a period of time in early 2011 when street photograffeur JR was in Los Angeles pasting up his signature large-scale photos (here, here, & here) all over the city. Coinciding nicely with his acceptance speech for the TED Prize where he unveiled his INSIDE OUT initiative, the series of 20 or so walls were part of his The Wrinkles In The City project that he has put op in various locales all around the world. Now, comes a video that shows some of […]

Streets: Interseni Kazki (India)

Globetrotting Ukranian duo, Interesni Kazki, who just had a solo showing in Los Angeles (covered), have apparently made their way over to India for some fun. The two street muralists have started creating some pieces by applying their surrealistic touch to some walls there while adding in some local flavor. Check out a more detailed look after the jump…

Openings: “Making Faces” @ Opera Gallery (NYC)

Last Thursday, New York’s Opera Gallery held an opening for their latest show entitled Making Faces. The portrait based group exhibition was a diverse mix of new and more established artists including Gerard Rancinan, Karel Appel, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Marc Chagall, Jean Dubuffet, Bengt Lindstrom, Henri Matisse, Joan Miro, Pablo Picasso, Simon Birch, Lita Cabellut, Sas Christian, Dinorah Delfin, Lori Earley, John John Jesse, Kid Zoom, Ron English, Philippe Pasqua, Rostarr, B, Judith Supine, Xiao Gang Zhang, Tianbing Li, Alexandros Vasmoulakis, Maura Corda, David Mach, Bast, […]

Overtime: Jan 23 – Jan 29

Ouch – David Hockney has his new works (like one above) harshly criticized by his art teacher. Hockney also billed as a fashion icon? Christopher Knight on the new Matthew Marks location in LA and its Ellsworth Kelly facade. Richard Jackson crashes a plane into a canvas as part of a PST performance. Marina Abramovic throws a silent party where participants wear lab coats and can’t talk. The Patrick Cariou vs. Richard Prince copyright case continues. Ronald Coles facing up to 10 years in jail […]

Video / Preview: “The Boneyard Project: Return Trip” @ Pima Air and Space Museum

As a final enticement before the opening of the The Boneyard Project: Return Trip this weekend, here is a behind-the-scenes video from the same group,  viejas del mercado (Medvin Sobio & 塚本清市), that brought you the initial teaser video. Featuring footage that fleshes out the photos you have seen already, Retna, Nunca, Saner, How & Nosm specifically out of a huge lineup, are followed as they prep for the opening at the Pima Art and Space Museum in Tucson, Arizona. You can see some other […]

Openings: LUDO – “Nature’s Revenge” @ Wunderkammern Gallery

After a showing in Amsterdam last November, LUDO (interviewed) continues his exploration of his Nature’s Revenge theme with a new exhibition in Rome. Opening its doors to a new body of work last weekend, Wunderkammern Gallery was taken over by the Parisian street artist’s vengeful creatures in the form of his ad interventions, sculptures, paper pieces, and pastes over found objects. More photos after the jump…

Openings: Thinkspace Gallery @ Affordable Art Fair (Los Angeles)

Over the weekend, the Affordable Art Fair opened Los Angeles including a booth for one of the galleries exhibiting work – Thinkspace Gallery. The Culver City showspace presented work from a talented core of artists which they have worked with in the past and will certainly continue to do so in the future including Dabs Myla, Brian Viveros, Matt Doust, Linnea Strid, David Cooley, and Audrey Kawasaki to name a few. Certainly, their booth was a stand out for those visitors who made it to […]

“Fresh Kills” @ Anonymous Gallery (Mexico)

The Anonymous Gallery kicked off their Mexico City location with a bang with a recently closed group show – Fresh Kills. The title of the showing refers to the 2,200 acres in New York known as Fresh Kills Landfill that will be converted to a huge public park over the course of the next 30 years. The transformation of what was formerly the world’s largest landfill into something beautiful is a metaphor for the type of work the artists in this show do – taking […]

Streets / Update: Escif (Part II)

On a torrid pace since our update only a week ago, Spanish street artist Escif has uploaded many new walls for his fans’ viewing pleasure. Painting with imagery that possesses a simplicity yet curious touch that makes the viewer wonder what the back story is or what the artist is trying to get across, the Valencia-based muralist continues to plaster his homebase with his work, sometimes accompanied with a short phrase or word. More photos after the jump…

Streets: Shepard Fairey (Brooklyn)

After Shepard Fairey hit up the streets of Manhattan last summer, he made a stop in the borough of Brooklyn as well. AM rode along to catch Mr. Obey working spots both big and small while him and his crew went to work on their community beautification campaign. We saw him push through a number of mediums, from his detailed hand-painted wheatpastes to his newer stencils without tire. Check out all the action captured for us by Joe Russo after the jump.