On Saturday night, AM attended the opening for Joshua Liner Gallery’s annual “Summer Show”. Apparently, so did many of the art loving New Yorkers that turned out to pack the house. The show had diverse lineup of talented artists including Shawn Barber, Tiffany Bozic, Ryan Bradley, Tony Curanaj, Mike Davis, Jeremy Fish, Ian Francis, Evan Hecox, Tat Ito, Jessica Joslin, Mi Ju, David Kassan, Kris Kuksi, Mac, Tomokazu Matsuyama, Ryan McLennan, Dennis McNett, Cleon Peterson, Pema Rinzin, James Roper, Swoon, Oliver Vernon, Pete Watts and Kenichi Yokono showcasing some of their best, giving attendees a little taste of the coming program produced by Josh.
Check out out the opening night coverage after the jump.
- Ian Francis
- Ryan Bradley & Ewelina Ferruso
- Travis Louie, Ewelina Ferruso & Kris Kuksi
- Lori, Ian & Laura
- Kris & Matsu
- Tony Curanaj
- Oliver Vernon
- Matsu
- Ryan Bradley
- David Kassan
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