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Monthly Archives: November 2018

Showing: Javier Calleja – “Do Not Touch” @ Nanzuka

Last night in Japan, NANZUKA opened Javier Calleja’s first solo show in Tokyo at their space in Shibuya. Entitled Do Not Touch, the new body of work from the Spanish artist draws from inspirations like his love for manga, the imagery of Magritte, and his time spent working with Yoshitomo Nara. Along with large and small canvases featuring his his big eyed characters and associated text, the whimsical exhibition was set up nicely with some big sculptures, a larger than life sketchbook installation, and a scribble […]

Showing: David Shillinglaw – “Human Soup” (London)

David Shillinglaw (featured) is currently showing Human Soup in London, a solo exhibition curated by Turner Barnes Gallery and That Art Gallery. The show features a selection of large and small works created over the past eight years. The British artist covers universal themes of what it means to be alive in the ‘human hive’ – a universal set of ingredients that people produce and consume. ‘Every day, we fill ourselves up and empty ourselves out, from royalty and heads of state to the lowest lives of […]

Releases: Belin – “Mona Lisa” Print

Miguel Ángel Belinchón aka Belin just announced a new, self-produced release of a print created from the Mona Lisa painting included in his solo exhibition in Paris last year (covered). The new limited edition will be available as a 72 hour timed release, from Thursday, Nov. 22, 1 P.M. to Sunday, Nov. 25, 1 P.M. CET time. The image is one of two versions that Belin has created after being inspired by the iconic masterpiece from Leonardo Da Vinci, and was originally painted using oil and acrylic on […]

Upcoming: FriendsWithYou – “Little Cloud” Balloon @ Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade

Following in the footsteps of artists like KAWS, Takashi Murakami, Jeff Koons, and Tim Burton, FriendsWithYou will have the honor of contributing a balloon in this year’s Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. The duo’s signature Little Cloud will be making its biggest appearance yet, as a 30-foot-wide balloon in the famed NYC parade. Symbolizing light and hope, their character will also herald the opening of two shows this month from the locally-based artists – bronze sculptures at The Hole & colorful 3-D plasteline paintings at Arsham/Fieg Gallery. Photocredit: Jeff Sampson/Macy’s/NYTimes & the artists. Discuss FriendsWithYou here. […]

Basel Week Miami ’18 / Previews: Juxtapoz Clubhouse

Art Basel Week Miami is just around the corner, and once again Juxtapoz Magazine is coming to Miami with another edition of their Juxtapoz Clubhouse concept, this time taking over a whole section in downtown Miami. Running sort of an art fair of their own, or an art district if you wish, this year’s event was again organized in collaboration with Mana Contemporary, and will include seven curated storefronts, multiple art installations, as well as a full Mexico City group show and pop-up installation show. Celebrating the impressive […]

Previews: Tavar Zawacki – “SHAPESHIFTING” @ Wunderkammern (Milan)

On November 21st, Wunderkammern’s Milan space will be hosting new show from Tavar Zawacki entitled SHAPESHIFTING. The American artist, who previously guarded his anonymity zealously, produced work prolifically on the streets for years as ABOVE (interviewed), hidden behind his arrow motif. Creating pieces now under his real name has given Zawacki a sense of freedom to explore new directions, something that can be seen in the more dimensional aspect of this exhibition as well as in how he is moving away from his signature arrow (although it does make […]

Videos: Can Guo-Qiang – “City of Flowers in the Sky” (Florence)

Over the weekend, Cai Guo-Qiang launched one of his signature firework performances in the skies above Florence. Entitled City of Flowers in the Sky, the explosive event was inspired by Botticelli’s masterpiece Primavera and heralds the opening of a massive solo exhibition presented by Uffizi Galleries and covering ten interlinked galleries. The solo exhibition from the Chinese artist is entitled Flora Commedia and features sixty of his famous gunpowder paintings in addition to sketches that document the creative process. Like the fireworks above Piazzale Michelangelo to mark the opening of the show, Cai “uses […]

Overtime: Nov 12 – 18

More stories below from this week (click on bolded words for more information): David Hockney is now the world’s most expensive living artist. Exclusive PODCAST interview with David Hockney, the world’s most expensive living artist. Multiple records set for black artistst at $362.5 million night at Sotheby’s. Edward Hopper’s “Chop Suey” sells for $91.9 million at Christie’s sale of Ebsworth Estate. Phillips $88.5 million contemporary sale comes up short, with passes on Burri and Pollock. Broadening the sales strategy for Latin American art has been a […]

Previews: Invader – “Into The White Cube” @ Over The Influence (LA)

Tomorrow night (November 17th), Over the Influence will be opening a solo show from the internationally-renowned street artist known as Invader, his first in Los Angeles after a hiatus of 13 years. Into The White Cube will be a survey exhibition, an overview of the French artist’s achievements from the past two decades working with his distinctive medium of choice. Along with historic pieces, there will also be new mosaics, some referencing the City of Angels and some which have made a recent appearance in the surrounding streets as […]

Previews: Dulk – “Legacy” @ Thinkspace Gallery

After first introducing his work back in 2016 and hosting a solo exhibition during last year’s Moniker Art Fair in London, Thinkspace Gallery in Los Angeles will be opening the debut North American solo show by Dulk on December 1st. Legacy is shaping up to be the Spanish artist’s largest showcase to date, including a new series of 24 pieces ranging from an impressive 1 x 2 meter show title piece all the way to pencil drawings on paper. An artist whose creative output started at an […]