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Upcoming: Josh Reames – “Texting While Driving” @ Bill Brady

Tomorrow night (January 21st) in Miami, Josh Reames will be unveiling a new body of work at Bill Brady Gallery. Entitled Texting While Driving, the new paintings continue the Brooklyn-based artist’s representations of the randoms streams of information that cross our path in the course of a day. This effect is achieved by the different floating images, art historical references, and everyday objects that he compiles together while using a wide variety of mark making. Rounding out the show will be traffic cone sculptures in variety of colors, […]

Releases: Jeremy Geddes – “FALL” Print

Starting on January 23rd, 9am Melbourne time, Jeremy Geddes (interviewed) will be offering up a timed release print for only 24 hours. Entitled FALL, the image features another one of the Australian painter’s iconic floating astronauts. The edition size will depend on the number of people ordering it in the 24 hour period of time and will not be sold again. As the size is smaller than usual (image is 39cm wide x 39cm high, paper size 42cm x 44cm), the price is more affordable at US$97 (approx. […]

Showing: Cleon Peterson – “VICTORY” @ Galerie Du Jour

Building on the momentum of his high profile mural at the Eiffel Tower last year (covered), Cleon Peterson has opened a new solo at Agnés B’s Galerie du Jour in Paris. Entitled VICTORY, the new body of work features sculptures and paintings of his instantly recognizable black and white characters entangled in vicious cycles of violence. He further explains – “This show explores the hedonistic triumphs of those who recognize themselves as victorious in the unfolding mirror of history. Their right to pleasure hinges on their projection of pain onto the […]

Previews: Patrick Martinez – “All Season Portfolio” @ Charlie James Gallery

All Season Portfolio, a new solo show from Patrick Martinez, is set to open on January 14th at Charlie James Gallery in Los Angeles. The body of work he has prepared includes his signature hip hop inspired neon signage, his newer series of work satirizing Pee Chee Portfolios of our youth by replacing the athletes with victims and imagery of police brutality, and new mixed media stucco paintings. Take a look at more preview images below… Via LA Taco. Discuss this show here. Discuss Patrick Martinez here.

Upcoming: Tom Sachs’ Space Program Final Performance Live Online

Tomorrow, January 13th, Tom Sachs will stream live the final performance of his longstanding space program project (see NY 2012) on Instagram and Facebook. The six hour demonstration featuring the American artist’s signature DIY assemblages that astoundingly mimic objects and equipment from the exploration of space can be seen in realtime from 5pm to 12am (PST). Check out all the details here. Discuss Tom Sachs here.

Previews: Brendan Monroe – “Mammatus” @ Curator’s Cube

On Saturday, January 14th, Brendan Monroe (interviewed) will be opening a show in Japan at Curator’s Cube. Entitled Mammatus, the new body of work includes ceramic sculptures and black and white ink drawings. While the sculptural work are more figure-based and reference the American artist’s earlier work, the drawings feature graphic shapes and movement like his more recent murals, a few of which will be painted in the Tokyo showspace. Discuss Brendan Monroe here.

Upcoming: Alex Gross – “Antisocial Network” @ Corey Helford Gallery

On February 25th, Alex Gross (interviewed) will be opening a new show at the Corey Helford Gallery in Los Angeles. Entitled Antisocial Network, the new body of work from the locally-based artist continues to explore the idea of modern technology and his view of the ironic effect of social networks in eroding the personal relationships around us instead of bringing us closer. Gross’ surreal imagery for those exhibition also features some reoccurring references such as corporate branding and his anthropomorphizing of different creatures. Discuss Alex Gross here.

Upcoming: Cleon Peterson – “VICTORY” @ Galerie Du Jour

On January 11th, Cleon Peterson will be showing new work at Agnés B’s Galerie du Jour, his first solo in Paris. Entitled VICTORY, the exhibition will feature the American artist’s signature brutal and provocative imagery, a exaggerated reflection of the urban violence he saw firsthand in his youth. He further explains – “This show explores the hedonistic triumphs of those who recognize themselves as victorious in the unfolding mirror of history. Their right to pleasure hinges on their projection of pain onto the unvictorious other. This […]

Vhils x GS1 Portugal | Center for Innovation and Competitiveness (Lisbon)

Vhils (filmed) recently finished a collaboration with the architects behind the new headquarters of GS1 Portugal | Center for Innovation and Competitivenes in Lisbon. For this project, the Portuguese artist’s unique mark marking skills were applied to the concrete slabs that make up the exterior of the building, giving the facade some abstract and textured imagery highlighted by elements of facial features. Take a look at video and photos below to see the culmination of 2 years of planning and construction. Most photos by Fernando Guerra. Discuss Vhils […]

Upcoming: Robert Xavier Burden – “Original Myth” @ Gregorio Escalante Gallery

On Saturday night (January 7th), thousands of hours of hard work by Robert Xavier Burden will culminate in a solo showing at Gregorio Escalante Gallery in Los Angeles. Original Myth will highlight the San Francisco-based artist’s large scale paintings of pop culture icons in elaborate compositions along with some smaller works. Star Wars characters, Thundercats, Batman, Transformers, and other recognizable nostalgic characters fill Burden’s oil paintings, leaving viewers in awe of the beautiful rendering and detail. Discuss Robert Xavier Burden here.