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Category Archives: Art

Openings: NORM – “Always” with Steel, Trevelen, and Lani Lee

Over the weekend, Known Gallery unveiled new work by multi-talented artist NORM. With a background in both graffiti and the tattoo field, the artist exhibited a number of works which display his proficiency in both. The exhibit, titled Always, brought forth a large crowd which could not get enough of the artists’ style and technique. What’s interesting about the artwork is that although the roots of graffiti and tattoo culture are clearly embedded in the artwork, it somehow moves beyond that and in turn, gives […]

Release / Signing: Aaron Horkey – “HOARFROST” @ SDCC

Aaron Horkey will make his first appearance at SDCC, as part of Pushead’s PATCHWERK event, Thursday July 21, 4 pm at the Toy Tokyo booth (#5437). Aaron has made a beautiful silkscreened print entitled HOARFROST that will be available.  It will be limited to 60 pieces with 10 artist’s proofs, sized at 12 3/4″ x 9 5/8″, and priced at $130. Come out and give a big warm Comic-Con welcome to Horkey – oh, and pick up one of these stunning print packages too! View […]

Openings: Daniel Danger @ Cotton Candy Machine

AM caught the opening recently of New England artist Daniel Danger (interviewed) at the Cotton Candy Machine in NY. The show featured works which nostalgically brought back memories of  great movie scenes. His signature solitary structures and characters were centerpieces in a series of twilight-based compositions. As mentioned in our teaser, Daniel also brought out some print gems both old and new for some lucky attendees. Check it all out after the jump.

Streets: Kenny Scharf @ West Hollywood Library Project (Part III)

After spending four days in Philadelphia last week working on a mural, Kenny Scharf (interviewed) returns to Los Angeles to paint his wall for the West Hollywood Libary Project. It will probably take a couple more days for him to finish, but when it’s done, it will stand alongside murals by RETNA (covered) and Shepard Fairey (more on this tomorrow). Photo set after the jump taken for us by Carlos Gonzalez .

Streets: London Instagram Roundup

Sweet Toof seems to be the unintentional focus for AM this week.  Seeing his work on shutters, walls and wheels he certainly has been getting about.  Definitely a favourite, was seeing his new piece on Bethnel Green Road with Brooklyn graffiti artist, Smells, a real winner. A nice addition to the trackside was added by Rowdy next to some great rollers by Horror. There was more painting again this week from Malarky, collaborating either with Billy, Mr Penfold or Sweet Toof, always a pleasure to […]

Openings: Andrew Hem – “Cold Water” @ LeBasse Projects – Culver City

This past weekend, Lebasse Projects in Culver City presented an exhibition by artist Andrew Hem (interviewed). Titled Cold Water, the show displayed the LA-based artist’s impressive aesthetic which utilizes oil and acrylic as a starting point. However, beyond these simple materials, the works on display, which ranged from character-based paintings to small wooden-like figurines, bring out a sense of story telling that makes the art an incredible sight. It’s interesting to point out that Hem’s artistic trajectory began with traditional graffiti. Yet, this exhibit clearly shows […]

FAME Festival ’11: Ericailcane

As is often the case, where Blu goes, his compatriot Ericailcane goes. We only brought you the “billiard table” mural from Blu yesterday but actually they both visited Southern Italy together this year to get up for the FAME Festival. Here is the one of the walls Ericailcane hit up, definitely one of the sweetest pieces we have ever seen from him and his siganture illustrative style. Another view and another wall after the jump…

Interview / Preview: Chet Zar – “Faces of Death” @ Last Rites Gallery

This Friday night (July 22nd) in New York, the LA-based artist Chet Zar will be opening his latest solo show at the Last Rites Gallery. Known as the master of the groteque and macabre, he’ll be bringing a series of portraits of some new characters all presented in custom frames. The title of the show, Faces of Death, is named after a mondo film from 1980.  He talks about this and much more in an interview with AM after the jump…

Streets: RETNA @ West Hollywood Library Project (Part II)

Over the weekend, the West Hollywood Library in conjunction with MOCA’s Art in the Streets exhibit took the first step in bringing three street art legends together to give the structure a well-needed and colorful facelift. One side of the wall will feature Kenny Scharf’s signature characters (more on that later), while on the opposite side of the structure RETNA (featured) continued to cover his wall with his well-known street letters. During the first day of the process, the MSK calligrapher was able to cover […]

FAME Festival ’11: Blu

It looks like the big guns are starting to hit up Grottaglie as we get closer to this year’s FAME Festival. After bringing you Moneyless and Cyop & Kaf, we are happy to say Italian superstar Blu has painted his mural in town of a giant billiard table.  Of course, with him things are not always what they seem.  Take a closer look after the jump…