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Category Archives: Art

Preview / Video: Tara McPherson – “The Bunny in the Moon” @ Jonathan LeVine Gallery

Jonathan LeVine Gallery will be hosting Tara McPherson’s newest body of work this Saturday night when her solo show “The Bunny in the Moon” opens. Babelgum took time to stop by her studio leading up to the show and interview Tara about the new paintings. It’s pretty interesting hearing her talk about different sources of inspiration that come together to form one piece. Take a look at some teaser pics we have for you after the jump…

Beyond Eden ’10: Overview

For those of you who missed it, we have a photo summary of this year’s Beyond Eden Art Fair. We’ve highlighted certain aspects of the event already, but this will give you an overview of the type of art that was seen this year (like the Dabs Myla piece seen above). Over three thousand people attended the second annual fair that is the only one of it’s kind highlighting the so-called New Contemporary art movement, and hopefully next year, it will continue to grow and […]

Showing: Ai Weiwei – “Sunflower Seeds” Installation @ Tate Modern

Last week, we had the pleasure of making the journey out to the Tate Modern in London to experience Ai Weiwei’s latest installation. The contemporary artist from China worked with the village of Jingdezhen to individually mold and hand paint over 100 million ceramic “Sunflower Seeds” which lined the entry hall adjacent to main doors of the museum. Every person was invited to partake and interact with the “land of seeds”. It was a romp for many who jumped, ran, played, and even laid down […]

Teaser: TrustoCorp – “New Americana” @ Gallery 1988 (LA)

This Saturday night, October 23rd, street art conglomerate Trustocorp makes a debut appearance in Los Angeles at Gallery 1988. Get ready for a healthy dose of political satire highlighting the absurdity of modern American Culture entitled “New Americana” at the Melrose gallery. Although known mostly for the remixed street signs, if the last show in NY was any indication, the exhibition will be much more immersive than that. Perhaps this new series of works targeting the education system (example above) will be included in this […]

Teaser: Nicoletta Ceccoli – “Incubi Celesti” @ Dorothy Circus

One of our favorite artists, Nicoletta Ceccoli (interviewed), will be opening up a new solo show at the end of this month in Italy. The San Marino-based artist will be bringing a new body of work to nearby Rome to the Dorothy Circus Gallery and from the look of things, her imagery seems to be taking a darker turn. We are sure you’ll be interested in seeing a full preview, but for now, enjoy a look at this piece in the show – “Incanto”. Discuss […]

Streets: Erica Il Cane & Lucy McLauchlan in Lisbon

After another wildly successful Fame Festival this year under his belt, Angelo Milano headed down to Lisbon for Part II of the CRONO project (see Part I with Os Gemeos, Blu, and Sam3). This time, Erica Il Cane & Lucy McLauchlan were on hand to work on a collaboration piece (you can see the Sam3 piece peeking out on the left). Take a closer look after the jump courtesy of Stick2target.

Releases: Mark Ryden – “The Tree of Life” Lithograph

Mark Ryden fans rejoice (especially those in the greater Los Angeles area). This Thursday, October 21st (8:00 a.m. PDT), Porterhouse will be releasing a limited edition (run of 500) lithograph of one of Ryden’s most beloved images – “The Tree of Life.” The reason? To commemorate the fact that the painting will be on exhibition in “The Artist’s Museum, Los Angeles Artists 1980-2010” show at The Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA) starting on October 31st. More detailed views after the jump…

Showing: Richard Colman – “Something Better” @ Guerrero Gallery

This past weekend, Richard Colman (interviewed) opened his solo show “Something Better” at the Guerrero Gallery. Fans of the Bay Area artist were delighted to see not one, but two immersive installation pieces filling the spacious showroom. As you can see from part of the installation above, Richard has started exploring pieces with different geometrical patterns in with a more metallic palette. You will see that many of the standalone pieces featured this new direction in the photos after the jump…

Openings: Nick Walker – “In Gods We Trust” @ Art Sensus

We’re still decompressing a little from all of the art events going on in London over this last week, and one of the highlights was Nick Walker’s opening evening of his new solo exhibition “In Gods We Trust”. We were itching to see where Nick was taking this exhibition after we saw hints of the scale and direction in our recent studio visit. Art Sensus’ spot next to Phillips de Pury was a fitting location for what was evidently a change in scale and also […]

Openings: Augustine Kofie – “Retrofitted & Other Forms of Vintage Futurism” @ White Walls SF

Last Saturday, Kofie’One / Augustine Kofie (featured) introduced his first solo show to the Bay Area with “Retrofitted and Other Forms of Vintage Futurism” at White Walls in SF. Many of the canvases as well as triangular sculptures you saw in our studio visit earlier this month were transported to the gallery, but also Kofie added a beautiful installation of his workspace so that attendees could see where his creative process plays out. Take a look at some opening pics after the jump where his […]