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Category Archives: Art

Openings: Jaybo & Remi/Rough – “No Beginning, No End” @ Galeria Nuble

It’s hard to keep up with events surrounding Remi/Rough, but we try! Between his solo projects, collaborations and his work with Agents of Change, Remi is certainly not one to sit still for long. Last weekend, Remi and Jaybo (aka Monk) opened their two person show in Spain at Galeria Nuble directly after their collaborative live painting event in London with Juice 126. “No Beginning, No End” collects a series of works on canvas and board from the artists, plus some especially sweet looking work […]

Teaser: Natalia Fabia – “Fashionable Aftertaste Without End” @ Corey Helford Gallery

Check out the latest from Natalia Fabia (interviewed) as she gets ready to show at Corey Helford. The new body of work, “Fashionable Aftertaste Without End,” moves to a new focus into the magical world of “Kawaii” (cute in Japanese). You’ll see her subjects as a mix of Japanese & Western pop culture flourishing in fashion forward designs. Often using familiar subjects, Natalia is known for sliding in friends in her paintings. Check out the painting above, do you see Mari Inukai? Definitely a departure from her “hooker” […]

Previews: “Pop Surrealism” @ Carandente Museum in Spoleto

Rome’s Dorothy Circus Gallery and New York’s Jonathan Levine Gallery have joined forces to bring together some of the biggest names in the new contemporary scene for a museum exhibition in Italy entitled “Pop Surrealism”. The exhibition is to be held in the Umbrian town of Spoleto at the Carandente Museum from June 26th until October 15th 2010 with the opening tying in with the town’s annual arts festival – “Festival dei 2 Mondi“. Joe Sorren’s (see our studio visit) new piece above, entitled “Portrait […]

Preview: Michael De Feo – “Mining for Splinters and Diamonds” @ No Borders Art (Hong Kong)

New York will be wishing Michael De Feo Bon Voyage this week as “The Flower Guy” prepares to open his first solo exhibition in Hong Kong. New York Magazine has previously listed his artwork on the streets as one of it’s “reasons to love New York,” featuring his flower motif on its cover. Hopefully, De Feo has some time to bring some beautification to the streets of HK whilst he is around (without getting arrested) for the opening of “Mining for Splinters and Diamonds” at […]

Streets: Blu in Madrid

After leaving his mark in Lisbon with an epic collaboration with Os Gemeos, Blu moved on to Madrid to work on his next project. This is an abandoned building in “Esta Es Una Plaza” where the Italian street artist threw up his version of the Madrid coat of arms (seen after the jump).

Studio Visits: Jeff Soto – “Life Cycle” @ Jonathan LeVine Gallery

Another monster show this weekend will be Jeff Soto’s (interviewed) first solo show in New York since 2007.  As we promised you several weeks ago, we now have our full studio visit to share with you as we caught him working on a new body of work – “Life Cycle”. With these paintings, Jeff has put together a show that is deeply personal dealing with issues of family, life, and death. We are sure you will be impressed as we were when the show opens […]

Books: Faile – “Prints + Originals 1999–2009”

Our friends at Gestalten seem to be on fire recently with another key publication for the street/urban art genre. This time focusing on Faile, hardcover book “Faile: Prints + Originals 1999–2009″ is a comprehensive book chronicling the works of the New York based artistic collective over the past 10 years. From their signature silkscreen and hand stained prints to their unforgettable originals, the Patrick’s are sure to please their fans with what looks to be a photo rich and meticulous journal of their incredible works from the past decade. We’ll […]

Teaser: Brandi Milne – “My Heart Shall Not Fear” @ Corey Helford Gallery

This Saturday night, Brandi Milne will be opening her newest solo show in Culver City at the Corey Helford Gallery. This new series of paintings includes some of her largest to date and reflects a more mature body of work as her thoughts turn to issues of life and death after the passing of her mother two years ago. More preview images after the jump…

Contest: Mark Brown – “Hmm.. Candy” Print

As we recently reported, Mark Brown has a new show up at Gallery 1988 SF.  To celebrate the show’s opening, 1988 and Mark have kindly donated a rare Artist’s Proof of the new print “Hmm… Candy”.  To enter for your chance to win, simply choose a number between 1 and 100, and enter your submission on the Artchival forum.  Enter here.

Streets: Trustocorp vs. Mr. Brainwash

It looks like Trustocorp (who recently held his first exhibition) takes exception to the fact that Mr. Brainwash had spread his imagery onto the streets of New York. He’s “stamped” MBW pieces with his logo and the words “Locals only, No Fakes, No Phonies”. Although, in general, this is a poor form to go over somebody else’s work on the streets (Exhibit A), we wonder what everyone’s reaction is in the special case of one Mr. Brainwash. More pics after the jump…