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Category Archives: Art

Overtime: May 23 – 29

Robert Williams to premiere his new movie Mr Bitchin’ at LACMA in June. Ashley Wood getting ready for Beijing.  Armsrock and Stella Im Hultberg getting ready for London. Interview with James Jarvis. A weekend with Salvador Dali. Something new from Kate Mccgwire. Christie’s to pay $8.57 million in damages for waiting too long to return Richard Prince art that failed to sell. The Whitney museum is expanding with plans for a new building downtown. And, Eli Broad getting closer to deciding HIS museum location. Rare […]

R.I.P. Deitch Projects

Yesterday, May 29, 2010, marked the final day of Shepard Fairey’s May Day exhibition and the final day of existence for Deitch Projects. Although the cutting-edge New York gallery will be surely be missed, we are very excited for the future of its founder, gallery staff, and roster of artists.  We are looking forward to what Jeffrey Deitch has in store as he leads MOCA Los Angeles to its next stage. Equaling as exciting is how the torch will be passed on to his ambitious […]

Preview: Paul Richmond – “Cheesecake” @ Center on Halsted

Next Friday in Chicago, Ohio-based artist Paul Richmond will be opening his show “Cheesecake” at the Center on Halsted. Each painting will depict a gay celebrity caught in a moment of accidental exposure like the classic pin-up art from the 40s and 50s but with the obvious twist. Some of the featured models include Jesse Archer, Perez Hilton, James St. James, Bobbie Burlesque, Dale Levitski, Bobby Trendy, Del Shores, Jack Mackenroth, Ari Gold, and more. More preview image after the jump.

Dennis Hopper: Artist / Photographer / Filmmaker / Actor – Dies at 74

Dennis Hopper died today in Venice, CA, at the age of 74, due to prostate cancer. Though known to much of the world as an award-winning actor and filmmaker, Hopper was also an accomplished photographer and sculptor, as well as serious art collector. In fact, he purchased one of Andy Warhol’s first Campbell Soup Can paintings in Los Angeles for $75. Hopper was a frequent visitor to Warhol’s Factory and appeared in many of his art films. Hopper’s photographic work was prolific and well-regarded. So […]

Streets: Nick Walker in Bristol

Most butterflies can only be expected to live for a week or two, but this little winged creature from Nick Walker only lasted for 7 hours before it was tagged over. Such is the nature of street art, but it must be pretty frustrating to see your hard work tagged over with something of little value. The mural is in Bristol, and went up earlier this week. Nick told us he went back yesterday to go over it again. We reckon version number 2 looks […]

Video: “Outside the Box” @ Hammer Museum

Last weekend, the Hammer Museum at UCLA opened up a show entitled “Outside the Box” focusing on limited edition prints. The exhibition displays the recently acquired Edition Jacob Samuel archive of prints put out by the publisher which includes work by notables like Ed Ruscha, Anish Kapoor, Chirstopher Wool, Marina ABramovic, John Baldessari, and Barry McGee among many others. Take a look at this video where Samuel is interviewed about his process which includes footage of a pretty sweet McGee etching (who also happens to […]

Teaser: Jeff Soto – “Life Cycle” @ Jonathan LeVine Gallery

One of the shows we are looking forward to next month is Jeff Soto’s (interviewed) solo show at Jonathan LeVine Gallery. Opening in New York on June 26th, “Life Cycle” will be Jeff’s last solo exhibition for the near future as he will be taking time to explore other projects. It sounds to be a deeply personal show as Jeff explains in his own words: “The show is about growing mentally and physically, becoming an adult, seeing your parents age and seeing your children start […]

Openings: “Beyond the Street” NY Book Launch @ Deitch Projects

Imagine the days of high school where it’s the last week of school before summer hits and everyone is saying their goodbyes while signing each other’s yearbooks. That was the scene as AM attended the last public event at the legendary Deitch Projects and as expected, it was a blast! Set to the background of Shepard Fairey’s intense “May Day” exhibition, the book launch for Gestalten’s “Beyond the Street: The 100 Leading Figures in Urban Art”, by Patrick Nguyen and Stuart Mackenzie, drew a veritable […]

Streets: Vhils & JR in Los Angeles

According to Lazarides, Vhils and JR have both taken time out from their busy schedule (Vhils – Fame Fest, JR – Cannes Festival & Germany) to travel to Los Angeles to prepare for their upcoming show. In fact, they are already on the streets around town working on some of the big-scale pieces they are famous for. The exhibition, entitled “Eurotrash”, will also feature two more great artists from the UK gallery’s stable of artists and – Conor Harrington (interviewed) and Micallef (interviewed). This will […]

Art HK ’10: Overview

With Art HK 2010 in full swing, we start out by showing you a mix of things that caught our eye before focusing in on some artists that we like. Anticipation has been high for the annual international fair in what is becoming the “East meets West” cultural hub of the region, especially with more blue-chip galleries joining the scrum for the dollars of the increasingly wealthy and eager collectors in Asia. Only time will tell if this will become the “Asian Art Basel”, but […]