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Category Archives: Street & Urban Art

Streets: Vhils (Los Angeles) for Post No Bills

Yesterday, Portuguese-born artist Vhils, who’s known for creating works of art directly into surfaces, visited the Post No Bills gallery space and sketched his signature style onto an adjacent wall. Utilizing his trademark tools such as drills and hammers, he produced yet another amazing work of art that continues to place him among one of the most interesting and creative artists working in the scene right now. This new work of art goes hand in hand with the upcoming exhibit that will take place at […]

Openings: Stephen “ESPO” Powers – “Flights of Genius” @ Ogilvy & Mather

Last Thursday, AM attended the much anticipated unveiling of Flights of Genius by Steve “ESPO” Powers. Created in association with Joshua Liner Gallery and held at the corporate offices of Ogilvy & Mather (see previous project there), the marketing agency commissioned ESPO to create a series of works that lined each floor of the stairwell for the historic building with direct quotes by legendary founder David Ogilvy. We walked the entire building to catch the comedic and still relevant sayings which compliment ESPO’s witty artistic statements nicely. We […]

Streets: Shepard Fairey @ West Hollywood Library Project (Part IV)

Over the last several days, we have brought you photos of Kenny Scharf’s (interviewed) in-progress piece for the West Hollywood Library Project as well as RETNA’s (featured) facade work on the opposite wall.  It’s now time to show you the third street artist enlisted for this set of murals – Shepard Fairey (featured).  As you can from the slow progress, the entire mural will impressively be done entirely by stencil (similiar to his Mandala Ornament piece for last year’s Art Basel Week Miami), which is infinitely more time-consuming compared to his usual […]

Streets: D*Face ‘Death From Above’ Pavement installation

You probably came across the pictures online recently of the paving slab that D*Face (interviewed) installed in East London a couple of weeks back… Known for carrying out street level interventions previously such as his concrete spray cans, and also the tombstones he installed on the Hollywood walk of fame, first seen in our studio visit, AM thought the paving stunt was a pretty cool move from D*Face. It’s long gone already of course – probably taken in much the same manner it was installed – and […]

Openings: NORM – “Always” with Steel, Trevelen, and Lani Lee

Over the weekend, Known Gallery unveiled new work by multi-talented artist NORM. With a background in both graffiti and the tattoo field, the artist exhibited a number of works which display his proficiency in both. The exhibit, titled Always, brought forth a large crowd which could not get enough of the artists’ style and technique. What’s interesting about the artwork is that although the roots of graffiti and tattoo culture are clearly embedded in the artwork, it somehow moves beyond that and in turn, gives […]

Streets: Kenny Scharf @ West Hollywood Library Project (Part III)

After spending four days in Philadelphia last week working on a mural, Kenny Scharf (interviewed) returns to Los Angeles to paint his wall for the West Hollywood Libary Project. It will probably take a couple more days for him to finish, but when it’s done, it will stand alongside murals by RETNA (covered) and Shepard Fairey (more on this tomorrow). Photo set after the jump taken for us by Carlos Gonzalez .

Streets: London Instagram Roundup

Sweet Toof seems to be the unintentional focus for AM this week.  Seeing his work on shutters, walls and wheels he certainly has been getting about.  Definitely a favourite, was seeing his new piece on Bethnel Green Road with Brooklyn graffiti artist, Smells, a real winner. A nice addition to the trackside was added by Rowdy next to some great rollers by Horror. There was more painting again this week from Malarky, collaborating either with Billy, Mr Penfold or Sweet Toof, always a pleasure to […]

FAME Festival ’11: Ericailcane

As is often the case, where Blu goes, his compatriot Ericailcane goes. We only brought you the “billiard table” mural from Blu yesterday but actually they both visited Southern Italy together this year to get up for the FAME Festival. Here is the one of the walls Ericailcane hit up, definitely one of the sweetest pieces we have ever seen from him and his siganture illustrative style. Another view and another wall after the jump…

Streets: RETNA @ West Hollywood Library Project (Part II)

Over the weekend, the West Hollywood Library in conjunction with MOCA’s Art in the Streets exhibit took the first step in bringing three street art legends together to give the structure a well-needed and colorful facelift. One side of the wall will feature Kenny Scharf’s signature characters (more on that later), while on the opposite side of the structure RETNA (featured) continued to cover his wall with his well-known street letters. During the first day of the process, the MSK calligrapher was able to cover […]

FAME Festival ’11: Blu

It looks like the big guns are starting to hit up Grottaglie as we get closer to this year’s FAME Festival. After bringing you Moneyless and Cyop & Kaf, we are happy to say Italian superstar Blu has painted his mural in town of a giant billiard table.  Of course, with him things are not always what they seem.  Take a closer look after the jump…