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Category Archives: Street & Urban Art

Openings: Best Ever – ‘Some Anatomies of Melancholy’ @ Blackall Studios

We’d been anticipating Best|Ever’s debut ‘official’ solo show since first coming across some early examples of their work a couple of years back, and our recent interview with the duo of Neil ‘Best’ Edward and Hadley ‘Ever’ Newman only served to build our desire further to experience their paintings as a body of work within a gallery setting. AM went along to the opening night of ‘Some Anatomies of Melancholy’ last week, and B|E delivered a solid exhibition to a packed house. The main gallery […]

Basel Week Miami ’10: “The Sticker Wall” @ Wynwood Walls

We recently showed you images of Shepard Fairey down in Miami installing his mural inside this year’s Wynwood Walls cafe (covered). Well, more images have just surfaced from the Wynwood Walls project, courtesy of legendary street photographer Martha Cooper. Apparently, right next to Shepard’s wall will be one organized by “Stickers: Stuck-Up Piece of Crap” authors DB Burkeman and Monica LoCascio. The “Sticker Wall,” which officially launches during Art Basel Miami 2010, will be a place where artists and the general public can celebrate sticker […]

Teaser: Elbow-Toe @ the Warrington Museum

It looks like Elbow-Toe’s (interviewed) work was recently featured in the Fall Fashion issue of Paper Magazine. You’ll be seeing that image, entitled “Sweet Dreams” again as it will be featured in his upcoming show at the Warrington Museum in the UK. The show entitled “Due Date” will be opening in December and will be we think his first major show since the end of 2008 in LA. Discuss Elbow-Toe here.

Preview: “Legal Tender” Group Exhibition @ Martha Otero

José Parlá, whose artwork is rarely exhibited in Los Angeles, will soon provide the West Coast with a spectacular visual treat as Martha Otero will feature his massively-sized (42″ by 116.5″) Flux in their Legal Tender group exhibition.  Other artists in the show include: E.V. Day, Dzine, John Espinosa, Rob Fischer, Matt Greene, Adam Janes, Brad Kahlhamer, Travis LeRoy Southworth, and Jen Stark. The show opens Nov. 20 and will be up until Jan. 15, 2011.  Don’t miss your opportunity to see a major Parlá […]

Studio Visits: Retna

AM rarely experiences the sensation of studio envy, but the pang certainly hit us upon arriving at Retna‘s abode and work space. It was pretty much a “Holy Guacamole!” moment. And we don’t even like Robin. The studio in the Arts District of Downtown Los Angeles apparently measures some 3,500 square feet. We immediately knew it would be perfect for the AM team training sessions in preparation for the international synchronised hula hooping championships. Unfortunately, Retna wasn’t very keen on the idea of subletting to […]

Openings: Ericailcane – “We Were Living in the Woods” @ Fifty24SF

Better known for large scale outdoor murals typically depicting playful and sometimes sinister looking animals, Italy-based artist Ericailcane brought his artwork indoors with the opening of his show “We Were Living In the Woods” at Fifty24SF. The show featured a wide arrange of ink drawings (some watercolored), etchings, screenprints (some handpainted), a few copies of his book “Il Numbero Delle Bestie”, and a few sculptures to grace the window display. As shown in our preview of the show (here), he painted a new piece for […]

Openings: ROA Pop-Up Show (Los Angeles)

Last night, AM spent the night hanging out with some friends and checking out a couple shows in LA. The first place we hit was the pop up show from ROA hosted by Thinkspace at the New Puppy Gallery. A rising star in the street scene, the Belgium artist filled the space with a wall installation painted on found objects, projected photos of his prolific works, and originals of all sizes including lenticular and pieces with moving parts reveal his signature anatomical style. More photos […]

Publications: tasj (vol ii – issue iii)

Whilst in London last month, we picked up a copy of the latest issue of tasj (vol ii – issue iii). In addition to its regular features (plus new sections dedicated to film, limited edition prints and other multiples, special events and a city guide – first up: London), this issue contains Part II of the tasj Backstage Series, which takes a closer look at the people behind the scenes in the art world. As avid followers of the activities and accomplishments of Shepard Fairey […]

Studio Visits / Preview: Ernesto Yerena Montejano – ‘GANAS 2020′ @ White Walls Gallery

Some weeks back, AM spent time with Ernesto Yerena Montejano at his garage studio in Los Angeles. Over the course of three and a half years, until summer 2009, Yerena worked as an artist assistant for Shepard Fairey at both Studio Number One and Studio Number Two (featured). We were able to have a look around as he now prepared for GANAS 2020, his debut solo show which opens this Saturday, November 13th at White Walls Gallery in San Francisco and runs until December 4th. The exhibition is named after a fictional community-based movement Yerena has created […]

Basel Week Miami ’10: Shepard Fairey @ Wynwood Walls

What’s Basel week without our friend Shepard Fairey? Fortunately, we don’t have to find out this year. He’s already down in Miami installing his mural inside the Wynwood Walls cafe with imagery including “Peace Elephant” and “Mujer Fatal”.  More image of the completed mural after the jump…