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Category Archives: Street & Urban Art

Openings: “Love Conquers All” @ Thinkspace Gallery

Last Saturday night, AM stopped by the “Love Conquers All” show in Culver City at the Thinkspace Gallery. The exhibition’s concept was based on the struggle of the gay community for equality with part of the proceeds were donated to Equality California. Things don’t always turn out well for themed group shows, but this time, many of the artists were able to maintain their signature imagery yet at the same time subtly produce relevant works. More images from the opening after the jump…

Highlights: Recommended Openings for this Weekend

With the quiet summer art season in full effect, the list of recommended shows is shorter than usual but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any quality shows. For example, take a look at the possible crazy installs coming up for David Choong Lee as he gets ready for his show at LeBasse Projects this weekend. As the art world becomes increasingly year-round, eventually there will probably be no lulls in the calendar at all. More listings after the jump…

Streets: Know Hope Trainwriting

It looks like Israeli street meistro Know Hope recently visited Croatia and tried his hand at the time-honored tradition of train-writing (ala Labrona & Barry McGee). Of course, he used some signature imagery as well as continued his penchant for street poetry. Another piece after the jump…

Streets: Mac in Dublin

Mac, who we recently watched painting a mural in Culver City, posted up some pics of the work he did in Dublin. Since he is part Irish, these pieces were especially meaningful to him. The one above was done for the Kings of Concrete festival and based on a detail from a painting by Gabriel Max entitled “the Raising of Jairus’ Daughter” and is in reference to the simmering conflict still in Ireland. More details of this piece done in his signature striated style as […]

Openings: FrePrs – “Vivid Fiction” @ Merry Karnowsky Gallery

A couple weekends ago, Samuel Lowder aka Freprs’ joint show with Aiko and Junko Mizuno opened at the Merry Karnowsky Gallery. On display, were his daring color combinations and stencil work inspired by “old advertisements, cartoons, and cinema”. Lowder began as a graffiti artist based in the Los Angeles in the early 90’s has since progressed to stenciling and pasting. More pics after the jump…

Interview with Gaye Advert / Preview: “Beyond Punk” @ Signal Gallery

Two of our cultural loves come together this week in an artistic punk rock mash-up. “Beyond Punk” is a group art exhibition curated by femme punk icon Gaye Advert, the former bass guitarist of The Adverts. The show features a selection of musicians from the punk era who were either artists prior to being engulfed in the music scene or have turned to art as their form of expression. Several artists featured in the show are non-musicians, but have been long time followers of the […]

Streets: Os Gemeos x Futura in NYC (Part 4)

As we continue to witness this mural collaboration go up in front of our eyes between Os Gemeos and Futura, we are just amazed by the detailed work put in by the street legends. Here we see some simultaneous tag team work as the twins put in some finishing touches and as Futura continues working in his signature pointman motif. More pics after the jump…

Preview: Bast – “Botulism” @ Lazarides (Rathbone Place)

Sounds like the next big show at Lazarides’ main gallery space in London has been announced. Bast, who recently collaborated with Faile (featured) on the Deluxx Fluxx Arcade (London and New York), will be opening “Botulism” at Rathbone Place starting August 20th. And, from the looks of things, the New York collage specialist will be focusing some of his time on his signature portraits although according to Vandalog, Laz says Bast will be “developing past preoccupations in an exciting new direction” as well. Via Vandalog. […]

Preview: “Summer Group Show” @ Joshua Liner Gallery

August in NYC is not typically the time to see great new art, as galleries tend to schedule group shows in order not to waste their A material on the few gallery goers left in town instead of summering in the Hamptons. Past experience, however, has shown us that the Joshua Liner Gallery defies expectations with their summer show, taking the opportunity to set the stage for their upcoming season, by exhibiting a strong selection of their regular roster and introducing us to a few […]

Videos: VNA Issue 12

Our friends over at VNA are getting ready to release the newest issue of their publication and have put together a nice promotional video. Included is some footage from Roa at work, for which we tagged along if you remember, and who is also the cover artist for Issue 12. Roa will also be making 100 screenprinted covers for a limited edition version for this issue and the release party will be at Pure Evil Gallery on August 12th. More details after the jump…