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Overtime: June 6 – June 12

More stories from the week that ended June 12 (click on bolded words for more information): Spike Art Magazine’s photographs from Berlin Biennale. Artnet looks at the standout performances at the Berlin Biennale. RIP: Tunga, who passed away at the age of 64 due to cancer. RIP: John Margolies, who passed away at the age of 76 due to pneumonia. RIP: Frank Wagner, who passed away at the age of 58. Fahmi Reza charged with violating media laws by depicting Malaysian PM Najib Razak as a clown. Ugo Rondinone’s Seven […]

Previews: Jeff Gillette – “Post Dismal” @ Lawrence Alkin Gallery

Ten months since Dismaland (covered) opened its doors to the public, the artist that inspired the whole project, Jeff Gillette, will be opening his first UK solo show on June 24 at Lawrence Alkin Gallery. Post Dismal will include 15 new paintings continuing the post-apocalyptic imagery that juxtaposes Disney images with scenes of slums, despair, and ruin. Back in the 1990s, Gillette got inspired by the German philosopher, Arthur Schopenhauer, and his pessimist views. This influence resulted with the concept of taking the things people love and imposing the worst-case scenario to them. The […]

Showing: Addam Yekutieli (Know Hope) – “The Truth, As Told In Our Mother Tongue” @ Die Kunstagentin

As we previously reported, since May 26th, Die Kunstagentin gallery in Cologne, Germany has been hosting a solo by Addam Yekutieli aka Know Hope. For this showcase, the Tel-Aviv-based artist created an all new body of work strongly influenced by the refugee crisis. The Truth, As Told In Our Mother Tongue includes a large installation where recurring bird characters are flying towards a hole in a barbed wire fence. Symbolizing the painful journey of people escaping the horrors of war, this large work is juxtaposed against a smaller sculptural piece. Placed in […]

Streets: Andrew Schoultz // artBGC (Manila)

Andrew Schoultz recently traveled (as did Pastel) to the Philippines to participate in the LeBasse Projects curated and produced artBGC. As you can see, the mural he painted over seven days was easily his largest to date and stands over 8 stories high. The event at Bonifacio Global City is a followup to the 2015 edition, and featured other artists like Bunnie Reiss, HotxTea and Dog and Pony who were joined by local artists Kris Abrigo, Trip63, KFK Collective and Archie Oclos. Photo credit: Shutterpanda & the artist. Discuss Andrew […]

Album Covers: Daniel Arsham x Usher – “No Limit” & “Crash”

On the cover of two new singles from Usher is artwork that fans might recognize if they are familiar with the work of Daniel Arsham. Featuring two views of a sculpture created in the signature future archaeological style of the Brooklyn-based sculptor, No Limit & Crash are both great examples of collaborations between music artists and fine artists. Usher apparently spent four hours sitting still while Arsham put him through the process of creating something that might be discovered in the the distant future, like the ruins […]

Showing: KAWS @ Galerie Perrotin (Seoul)

Last week, Seoul was the first stop for KAWS before heading to Thailand later this month to reveal a new project. Korea’s capital is the newest location for Galerie Perrotin so it was only natural for one of their rising stars to put on a show, especially one who has such a cult following in Asia. The exhibition including a wide selection from the New York-based artist’s oeuvre including some abstract pop culture inspired paintings, a cut canvas piece featuring his version of snoopy, one of his companion sculptures, as […]

Showing: Roa – “Hic Sunt Dracones” @ Backwoods Gallery

Keeping the tradition of having solo shows with the gallery every two years, ROA recently spent some time in Melbourne working on his third solo show with Backwoods Gallery. Hic Sunt Dracones (Here Be Dragons) opened on the 3rd of June and will stay on view for only 2 weeks. The title of the show comes from the imaginary maps that European explorers used from the 15th to 18th centuries documenting unexplored parts of the newly discovered Terra Australis. Filled with curious animals, plants & cultures, the new land hid a lot […]

Showing: Amanda Marie – “Make Believe” & Hyland Mather – “Receiver” @ JR Gallery

On June 3rd, JR Gallery in Berlin opened Make Believe and Receiver, a joint show from two artists and partners in crime, Amanda Marie and Hyland Mather (AKA X-O). Exhibiting next to each other, Marie will be showing her hypnotic illustrative stenciled imagery next to Hyland’s geometric bricolage assemblages made from found materials. Though very different in their styles, the works of the two American artists living in Amsterdam complement each other due to their folk art influence and the color palette used. With pastel and earth tones, both bodies of work […]

Streets: Andreas Englund // Urban Nation (Berlin)

Painting over the course of five days for Urban Nation, Andreas Englund’s latest creation is a clever take on Rodin’s sculpture The Kiss. Pairing the iconic piece from the French sculptor with his own Voyeur sculpture, the two part mural (at Bülowstraße 93) executed with an expert three-dimensional perspective is a striking piece with commentary on modern society. Take a look at more in-progress photos below… Discuss Andrew England here.

Openings: James Bullough – “Breaking Point” @ Thinkspace Gallery

Last month, at the same time as Curiot’s immersive showing at Thinkspace Gallery, the Berlin-based James Bullough also presented an all new set of works. Collectively entitled Breaking Point, the new paintings are classic examples of the American artist’s fragmented portraiture. Inspired by “moments in life, good or bad, that hit like a flash, break you down and rearrange your parts, when everything seems to change in an instant,” Bullough’s new pieces feature his levitating characters, rendered with glitchy overlapping segments. Photo credit: Birdman Photos. Discuss James Bullough here.