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Monthly Archives: April 2014

Rewind: April 8 – April 13

Keeping things going, we have another Rewind summary for you this week. First up is origami artist Sipho Mabona, who recently folded a life-sized elephant from a since giant sheet of paper. He and his team of nearly a dozen people worked over four weeks to create the 10 foot tall sculpture. Financed through Indiegogo, the crowd funded project is now on view at KKLB in Beromünster, Switzerland. Check out the video below and more photos at My Modern Met. Other worthy videos below… Joyce Pensato at […]

Streets: Inti (Spain)

Inti was recently invited to La Mancha in Spain, in order to paint a large mural with his vision of Don Quijote, the famous book character by Miguel de Cervantes. After working on the wall for several days, creating a massive image with his familiar technique and colors, the finished piece was finally revealed. The Chilean artist did indeed change the usual look of Quijote by covering his signature mustache and goatie with a bandanna, and giving his hat more of a helmet looks. But, it […]

Overtime: April 7 – April 13

More stories from the week that ended April 13 (click on bolded words for more information): Truong Tran uses old pornography and nature magazines to protest Hirst’s use of butterflies. RIP: Alan Davie, who died at 93, a day before his retrospective was due to open at Tate Britain. Hong Kong police search landfill for $3.7mil. painting dumped by cleaners at Grand Hyatt hotel after auction. Matisse’s painting Sitting Woman, part of Gurlitt trove, now subject to two competing claims. Authorities returning the artwork trove […]

Streets: Philippe Baudelocque (Paris)

Philippe Baudelocque recently took part in the ongoing BergeStreet event on the banks of the Seine in Paris. Creating one of his signature chalk drawings in public, the Paris-based artist created this interesting, delicate mural inspired by the sculpture of a rhinoceros from the forecourt of the nearby Musée d’Orsay. Baudelocque has been a fan of the museum since his early age, and this is his tribute to it and the “silent but powerful” sculpture (in different perspectives) by Alfred Jacquemard. Along with the drawings of the rhino, the […]

Showing: Mario Wagner – “A Glow That Transfers Creativity” @ Hashimoto Contemporary

Last week, the Hashimoto Contemporary welcomed Bay Area artist Mario Wagner (featured) into their space for a showing entitled A Glow That Transfers Creativity. The solo exhibition consisted of paintings, collage-based installation, and animations displayed on old tube televisions. Taking a mixed media approach, the German born artist reinterprets images he finds in a variety of methods resulting in a style that is both retro and futuristic at the same time. Take a look at more photos below… Discuss Mario Wagner here. Discuss this show here.

Coachella Walls ’14 / Streets: El Mac

Yesterday, we headed down to Coachella, not the annual music and arts festival, but to the city itself. Despite the associated name of the huge yearly revenue source nearby, the taxes go to the city of Indio with the actual city of Coachella remaining a poor farming community. This is what the Date Farmers, who call the area their home, and curator Medvin Sobio are seeking to change with the Coachella Walls project. First up, we want to share with you what El Mac painted in the historic Pueblo Viejo area of the […]

Previews: Pose x Revok in Dubai

After sold out shows in New York City, Miami (Art Basel) and Detroit, big mural projects in Detroit for the Library Street Collective, and in New York City on the world famous Houston Bowery wall (covered), Revok and POSE are taking their artistic careers one step further. In collaboration with Library Street Collective, these “graffiti artists gone contemporary art” are having a one night only show in Dubai.  The story about how these two infamous graffiti writers got their names recognized in the urban and contemporary art world is a story of determination, […]

Streets: Nychos (San Francisco)

Austrian street muralist Nychos has made a return to San Francisco after painting a massive wall in the city last year. This time around, he worked on a ground level dissection in Haight-Ashbury (arranged by Wallspace SF) for his fans in the Bay Area, many of whom will be making it out to the opening of his solo show, entitled Street Anatomy, on April 18th at Fifty24SF. Photo credit: Upper Playground. Discuss Nychos here.

Aaron Li-Hill – “Here Now” @ Portsmouth Museum of Art

A couple weekends ago, the Portsmouth Museum of Art hosted a two day only event entitled Here Now. The showcase featured the work of Aaron Li-Hill and Judith Ann Braun, who both produced site specific installations. For his part, the New York-based Li-Hill created one of his kinetic fencer murals, augmented by a loosely constructed scaffold of material. Taking advantage of the space currently being renovated, the kinetic installation with the reflecting water produced a striking image. Photos via artist except portrait by Bear Kirkpatrick. Discuss Aaron […]

Openings: Peter Ferguson – “Fire In The Map Room!” @ Roq la Rue

Last Friday, opening alongside CRG (covered) at Roq La Rue in Seattle was Peter Ferguson’s Fire In The Map Room! Dimly lit interiors and the moments right before dusk are exquisitely detailed in a muted color palette, with a style honed from his many years illustrating children’s books. The imaginative beasts inhabit Peter’s worlds nonchalantly, and while the human characters seemed intrigued at times, others seem bored or annoyed, like it’s an everyday occurrence. With backgrounds just as detailed as the main subject, one could spend […]