As part of their pre-summer program, Galleria Patricia Armocida in Milan recently opened a group show titled Mint Julep. Featuring works by Maya Hayuk, Cleon Peterson, Revok, and Francesco Igory Deiana, the exhibition opened on May 18th and will stay on view through July 22nd.
The idea of this show was to mix artists and their diverse styles into a fresh, attractive installation, similar to a Mint Julep cocktail, made by mixing bourbon, ice, sugar and mint into a refreshing drink. Viewers got to see Hayuk’s colorful, layered weave paintings that balance between tradition, psychedelic, strict geometry and abstraction, Revok’s abstract geo-based works inspired by patterns and waste materials from urban environments, Peterson’s signature b/w visions of power struggles and conflicts in the society, and Deiana’s meticulous ball point pen on paper works that create abstraction out of textures, TV static and other everyday occurrences. All these distinctive styles put together result in an exciting exhibition that presents fresh trends from around the US to the local art crowd.
Photo credit: Andrea Concina