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Search results for: Creative Process Features

Interviews: Jim Kazanjian – “Temporary Equilibrium” @ Breeze Block Gallery

When you first realize that the subject matter within Jim Kazanjian’s work doesn’t actually exist, you may at first be relieved that such precarious looking locations aren’t out there. Your next thought may well be “just how the hell does he do that”? Kazanjian works in photography, but is not a photographer. His tools include the internet for sourcing his library of over 25,000 high resolution images and Photoshop to assemble his impossible architecture compositions. He describes his creative process as hyper-collage. He has a two-person […]

Streets / Video: Meggs x Endeavor Snowboards (Vancouver)

Meggs, who recently invaded San Francisco along with members of the Young and Free Aussie crew, apparently decided to head up even more north pay a solo visit to Vancouver. While there, a sweet video (filmed and directed by Randy Ross) was put together as he worked on the mural seen above for the Endeavor Snowboards building as well something for the offices. The footage not only spent a lot of time documenting his technique and creative process, it also features a lengthy and insightful […]

Openings: Skinner – “The Fragile Art of Existence” @ Shooting Gallery

Never the one to shy away from challenging the viewer’s comfort zone while dragging them down to his own chaotic hell via the minions and demons from his mind, Skinner decided to take a step back from his usual creative process, which is typically done with a sense of attack and urgency. Last Saturday evening saw the opening of his latest show at Shooting Gallery, The Fragile Art of Existence, which features a new series of paintings where he decided to take a few risks […]

Interview: Kid Acne – ‘Kill Your Darlings’ @ Millenium Gallery

South Yorks represent! Kid Acne’s solo exhibition Kill Your Darlings launches this Friday 22nd July at Museums-Sheffield’s Millenium Gallery. A long time resident of Sheffield, this is surprisingly Kid Acne’s first solo exhibit in the city, and follows a pair of solo exhibitions in London at Concrete Hermit and Stolenspace over the last year. The intriguing title alludes to a motto first coined by William Faulkner, and used by writers to describe the action of cutting the most cherished characters and scenes from their story. […]

Interviews / Previews: Jacub Gagnon – “Elements & Oddities” @ Thinkspace

This month sees Toronto based artist Jacub Gagnon bring his surrealist still life paintings to Los Angeles for his solo exhibition entitled Elements & Oddities. The exhibition opens at Thinkspace on Saturday April 30th, and also features Yosuke Ueno. Lowbrow pop master David MacDowell (interviewed) returns the Culver City showspace also in the project room space with Lowbrow Love Letter. AM caught up with Jacub ahead of the exhibition to ask a few questions about his work. Read on after the jump for our interview, […]

Interview: Josh Keyes – “Collision” @ David B. Smith Gallery

The autumn art season has gone into full swing, and one of AM’s most eagerly anticipated exhibitions of 2010 is now just around the corner. Josh Keyes’ “Collision” opens at David B. Smith Gallery in Denver on November 5th. Fill in your diaries, book your flights and do whatever you can to catch this show. We’ve brought you some teaser shots in the run up to this exhibition, including a glimpse at this piece above entitled “Sowers” partially unveiled in Josh’s studio. “Sowers” is Josh’s […]

Interviews / Preview: Tristram Lansdowne – “Refuge” @ Joshua Liner Gallery

Toronto-based artist Tristram Lansdowne (featured) opens his New York – and United States – solo debut “Refuge” this coming Saturday, February 13th, at Joshua Liner Gallery in the heart of Chelsea.  The exhibition follows his recent solo show with LE Gallery in Toronto last year (see our coverage here) and we’re definitely enjoying Tristram’s vision of the defaced and derelict, along with the surprises that may lie within or beneath the surface. AM caught up with Tristram and put some questions to him ahead of the […]

Sketchbook: Stella Im Hultberg

We had only recently started our new sketchbook feature which takes our readers back to what is often times the very beginning of an artist’s creative process. Conveniently for us, Stella Im Hultberg (interviewed) posted up some images of her sketches on her blog for all to enjoy.  Take a look there or after the jump at the ballpoint pen & brush pen produced gestural doodles.

Sketchbook: Nate Frizzell

While visiting Nate Frizzell’s studio a while back, we had to opportunity to flip through some of his sketchbooks. It’s always a privilege to be able to look into the inner workings of an artist’s creative process and is one of our favorite things to do. Of course, we made sure to take some pics to share with our readers. Definitely expect to see more of these features here in the future. Take a look after the jump at some prelim sketches for completed paintings […]

Dual Artist Interview: Hush x Dan Baldwin Collaboration Show @ Zero Cool Gallery

Our friends at Zero Cool gallery will be opening a new group show entitled “Don’t believe the Type” tonight in London that will feature four large scale collaboration paintings by Hush (interviewed) and Dan Baldwin (interviewed). The artists have not worked together in the past, but when AM heard that they would be pooling talents, we thought that this could be something special. Each started work on two pieces and when they finished their elements, the paintings were traded over for the other’s work. You […]