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Openings: Scott Hove – “Master of Rapacity” @ Hashimoto Contemporary

Last weekend, Hashimoto Contemporary in San Francisco opened a new show from Scott Hove entitled Master of Rapacity. Featuring his signature faux cake sculptural works, the exhibition was thematically based on what one would see in the house of a corporate bigwig’s house. Hove states: “America is currently undergoing a very decisive and quiet transition to corporate oligarchy, the government becoming more and more acquiescent to corporate policy. Corporate policy is by nature rapacious, and could not give a fuck about nature or your feelings. […]

Showing: Aurel Schmidt & Pierre Molinier @ M+B Gallery

Last week, AM stopped by M+B Gallery in Beverly Hills to check out the current show featuring work from Aurel Schmidt and the late Pierre Molinier. The unexpected pairing actually worked out quite nicely thematically combining Schmidt’s exquisite, twisted, and creative drawings of human anatomy with the French artist’s erotic photomontages. Head over before it closes on June 21st to see it yourself if you are in the Los Angeles area – it will be worth your time. Some installation shots via the gallery. Discuss Aurel Schmidt here.

POW! WOW! Taiwan ’14 / Streets: James Jean

Only few months after creating his first ever outdoors mural for their event in Honolulu (covered), James Jean (interviewed) was invited to join the POW! WOW! family at their first edition of POW! WOW! Taiwan. Designated an old rugged wall at the Taipei Zoo, the Taiwanese American visual artist fought the elements and created this impressive mural titled Paradise. Using house paint, lacquer, spray paint, and oil, he painted this fantastic 43′ x 17′ piece showing “Taiwanese macaques tumble in a paradise/prison of man’s making.” Giving a sharp […]

Showing: “G I R L” @ Galerie Perrotin (Paris)

Currently at the Paris branch of Galerie Perrotin, a group exhibition curated by Pharrell Williams will be on display through June 25th. Entitled G I R L, the show is not the first collaborative project between the singer-songwriter and gallery (also see 2009). A lengthy and diverse list of participating artists include Marina Abramovic & Ulay, Chiho Aoshima, Daniel Arsham, Valérie Belin, Sophie Calle, Johan Creten, Tracey Emin, Daniel Firman, Gelitin, Guerrilla Girls, Laurent Grasso, Gregor Hildebrandt, JR, Alex Katz, KAWS, Bharti Kher, Klara Kristalova, Mr., Guy Limone, Annette […]

Interviews: Mike Maxwell – ‘The Span Of My Attention’ @ Nowheresville Gallery

Chances are, you probably know of Mike Maxwell not just for his own art, but also the series of podcasts he releases called Live Free, where he interviews artists and broadcasts the results. The San Diego native is now finalizing the details for his solo exhibition in San Francisco at Nowheresville Gallery entitled The Span Of My Attention, which opens on Saturday June 7th. We thought it was time to even the balance a little a put some questions to Mike ourselves. Read on for our […]

Showing: Mark Ryden – “The Gay 90s: West” @ Kohn Gallery

We recently had the opportunity to stop by for a look at the long awaited solo from Mark Ryden at the new Kohn Gallery location in Los Angeles. Entitled The Gay 90s: West (see the East showing in 2010), the exhibition included stunning new paintings from the master of his field featuring some of his most iconic imagery as well as his largest work to date (seen above). Rounding out the show were a series of drawings / studies, sculptural works, some important older pieces, and an intricate […]

Streets: Vhils (Lisbon)

As a part of preparation for his upcoming museum show in Lisbon (covered), Alexandre Farto aka Vhils recently finished another signature piece on the outskirts of Lisbon. The Lisnave area was once a huge shipyard, building and fixing large boats from around the world, but has now been abandoned for the last 15 to 20 years. In order to get across the devastating consequences that had to the economical situation in the area and people living there, Vhils created this large size portrait. Using paint and heavy tools, the Lisbon-based artist carved this portrait […]

Basel Week HK ’14: Ryan McGinley @ Galerie Perrotin (Hong Kong)

While in town Basel Week Hong Kong, we made sure to stop by the local branch of Galerie Perrotin to take in the work of Ryan McGinley. Vertical Color of Sound is a nice introduction of the New York-based artist to fans in Asia as it features a election of his different series of work. Included are large-scale photographs of his signature summer road trip with friends, his use of fireworks, and his look at night skies. Discuss Ryan McGinley here.

Openings: Shepard Fairey – “Power & Glory” @ The Halsey

After bringing you an early in studio glance at Shepard Fairey’s new body of work, it’s time to look at the opening at The Halsey, where the new pieces were put on display alongside a new show of Jasper John’s work. Power & Glory featured a celebration as well as a political critique of Americana and the decline of the “American Dream,” kind of a duality of where he shows an appreciation for the iconography but also provides satire. Of course, fans of is work will […]

Basel Week HK ’14: Art Basel Hong Kong – (Part II)

With so much art on display at the premier art far in Asia, we had to split our coverage into two parts. You can see the first set of images here if you missed it (along with a quick first look), then come back and check out round two from Art Basel Hong Kong. One of the highlights of the fair is seen above – the Anti-Gun Gun large-scale sculpture installation by Beijing artist Wang Luyan that one may want to think twice about firing. If you […]