Mark Murphy has been going to Art Basel Week in Miami for a while now. This year, he will be showing at Aqua Wynwood with sixteen artists including Cathie Bleck, Christopher Buzelli, Robert Steven Connett, Brendan Danielsson, Leslie Ditto, Tony Fitzpatrick, Seonna Hong, Dan May (interviewed), Meggs, Mia (interviewed), Joel Nakamura, Jeff Soto (interviewed), Mark Todd, Marco Wagner, Esther Pearl Watson, and Martin Wittfooth.
His fantastic Scribble.08 will be screened daily during the fair at the Aqua Wynwood Lounge. For now, take a look at some preview images after the jump…
- Seonna Hong
- Seonna Hong
- Jeff Soto
- Mia
- Dan May
- Marci Wagner
- Esther Watson
- Martin Wittfooth
- Robert Connett
- Meggs
- Leslie Ditto
- Chris Buzelli
Discuss Art Basel here.