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Category Archives: Features

Setup: Manifest Hope – DC

AM is on-site at Manifest Hope DC and it is getting hectic at the gallery. It’s midnight here and the crew of over 30 volunteers are now running on Red Bull and Red Stripe. We are at ground zero of this awesome show and only a few days before the show goes live. With giant installations under construction from Mike Murphy and Kelly Towles, the place is abuzz with power-saws and drills. The other part of the crew is busy unpacking the never ending stream of boxes […]

Interviews/Preview: James Jean – “Kindling” @ Jonathan Levine Gallery

One of the worst kept secrets in the “fine art world is about to be revealed at Jonathan Levine Gallery this Saturday. As previously teased (here), James Jean will be opening his uber anticipated show Kindling in New York City. The critically acclaimed and accomplished illustrator is finally making his “fine art” premier and we brought you a little peek of this upcoming monster. James was gracious enough to provide AM an interview for you readers.  JJ spoke about the show: Kindling, his work on […]

Preview/Interviews: Gary Baseman @ Urbanix (Israel)

Gary “Danger” Baseman has landed in Tel-Aviv in preparation for the January 8th opening of his latest solo exhibition at Israel’s Urbanix Gallery. (previously teased). The trip to the Middle East isn’t merely to attend the opening of The Sacrificing of The Cake, but also to participate in the lectures at the Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem and also to conduct hands-on workshops for the students (1/13). Gary will also be conducting a live painting sessions at Ozen Bar (1/17). Prior to […]

Second Helpings: December 2008

It’s the end of December and you’re still hungry after your holiday feasts? Well we’re glad that you’ve saved room for Second Helpings! The staff at AM has selected some of the best stories of the month that you should not miss. Get served after the jump.

Creative Process: Tin

Thanks for the nice response to our Eric Fortune article earlier this month. Continuing with our Creative Process feature, the next artist we bring you is – Tin. This particular example is called “Amish Girl Gone Wild” and was painted specifically for this article.  Hear him talk a little about how he develops a painting from concept to completion…after the jump.

David Choe – Choegal Origins

David Choe posted up some images on his blog that showed some of the creative process behind his Choegal figure that he recently released. He included a painting that Choegal was apparently based on as well as progress shots of the sculpt, various faces, etc…  Check out the photo set after the jump.

Interviews: Scott Radke

What do you get when one of the biggest collectors of this genre, Mark Parker (Nike), fully funds an artist like Scott Radke to create a commission? A masterpiece! Check out this complex set of sculptures by Radke done over a 4 month period. Stunning… and not small either, the sculptures range from 21″ to 53″.  We talked to Scott a little bit about his process of working through this commission… Interview after the jump.

Collector Focus: Amy Sol’s “Peach, Yoshi & Subcon the land of dreams”

One of the features that AM will be working on is what we will call the “Collector Focus” articles where we will take a closer look at certain peoples’ collections.  As many of our readers are collectors themselves, we thought it would be interesting to highlight some notable pieces in more detail for your enjoyment. First up is one of Amy Sol’s most recognizable pieces – “Peach, Yoshi & Subcon the land of dreams.” This amazing painting was exhibited at the “8-bit” show (video game themed) in […]

Creative Process: Eric Fortune

An artist you will be hearing more of in the future, Eric Fortune, has sent us some progression images of his latest piece “A Want To Believe.” Eric has a career in illustration but seems to be making a transition into the gallery scene with shows coming up at Ad Hoc Gallery, Cerasoli-LeBasse, and Roq La Rue. We love his elegant composition, delicate poses, and rendered lighting that seem to make his paintings glow. This will be the first of a series of “creative process” […]

Interviews: Jeff Soto

Jeff Soto’s first museum show “Turning in Circles” (previewed) is set to open this Saturday, December 13th at the Riverside Art Museum. He has been hard at work on this show for over a year now and it promises to be an epic one. We sat down with him to talk a little about the show after the jump…