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Last night, AM got invited to follow artist Shepard Fairey around Washington DC and watch him create a few murals at some prominent DC locations. Shepard and his boys hit the ground running Wednesday afternoon, even after a grueling cross country red-eye earlier in the morning. Painting the town Obey was Shepard’s goal.  He was the first person to roll up his sleeves to hit the wheatpaste, and was the last person to leave. It was surreal to see Shepard create a brand new mural […]
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Talented Brooklyn-based artist Tomokazu Matsuyama, AKA Matzu, combines Western urban art and graphic design within a tradition Japanese art historical context, creating an amalgam that is beautiful and unique. Arrested Motion recently had the pleasure of visiting Matzu’s studio, to check out some of his recent work and to chat. Interview after the jump.
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Ever wonder how a flying robot goes fishing? I mean, who hasn’t? As the above painting illustrates, Washington-based artist Brian Despain might just have the answer. Fresh off another strong showing at Roq La Rue Gallery in Seattle, Brian was kind enough to take some time out of his busy schedule to sit down and answer some questions with Arrested Motion. Blending superb painting chops, bold iconography, and poignant storytelling, Brian provides an artistic narrative rich in aesthetic qualities and riddled with satirical expressions. After […]
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During the first day at Jeff Soto’s studio, the artists kicked off the ART JAM. What is this “Art Jam” we speak of? Imagine a large blank canvas that Baby Tattooville artists will feverishly work on over the course of 26 hours with each artist improvising and implementing their unique style around the clock to create a collaborative painting. With so many proverbial “chefs in the kitchen,” this could either be an artistic nightmare or masterpiece. With over 15 artists working on one canvas, it […]
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After coming back from Jeff Soto’s studio after dinner. The attendees and the artists came back to the resort and got a very special treat. An authentic “life drawing” session was awaiting… not only for the participants, but also for the artists to experience. This session took us back to an art school 101 tradition… study of the “natural” human form. Yes, a fully nude female to model and hold seductive poses for 20 mins at a time. As part of the real art experience, everyone was encourage to pick up sketch […]
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After a quick round of mingling and refreshments, the participants of Baby Tattooville were invited to the heart of the Jeff Soto factory.  Once there, the attendees were treated to a “preview” of Jeff’s upcoming solo show “Turning in Circles” at the Riverside Art Museum in December (previously teased). With over 15 “in progress” paintings to delight our eyes, AM was astounded to find out that Jeff is only PARTIALLY done with his plans for the upcoming show. He has a gigantic installation planned and will also look […]
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