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Tag Archives: Features

Preview/Interviews: Shag @ Jonathan Levine

Shag is at it again… this time he’s living it up in the Big Apple. Fresh from his recent Baby Tattooville retreat where AM met him, JoSH AGle (aka: SHAG) has a hip new show at Jonathan Levine. (Nov 22nd – Dec 20th) This time, Shag is giving us an official “peep” at the elegant beauties and chic lifestyles for the aptly named theme: Voyeur. This is sort of an introspective show for Shag, for he was once a Voyeur; which led the way for […]

Interviews: Allison Sommers

When you look at her work, one would suspect that “detail” could have been Allison Sommer’s middle name. You can’t help but move your head closer and closer to the painting and then shake it in disbelief at how meticulous her brushstrokes are. As a matter of fact, she often paints under a magnifying glass to make sure she get the desired effect. What is even more amazing is her “story-telling” does not suffer from this focus on details. Her paintings always seem to be […]

Preview/Interviews: Herakut “Dirty Laundry” Show (UK)

German collaborative duo Herakut will be opening a show entitled “Dirty Laundry” on November 28th. The show was organized by campobarbossa who arranged for a venue in London’s Covent Garden. All the works are pre-commissioned paintings and sketches so this will strictly be an exhibition with no sales. We quite like the combination of Akut’s photorealistic spray paint and Hera’s more fluid broad strokes.  Jasmin aka Hera took some time to answer some questions and share some preview images with us.

Preview/Interviews: Candice Tripp @ Lazarides

A young artist whose work we admire, South African born artist Candice Tripp, will be opening her show “Home Is Where The Telly Is” with Lazarides this Thursday.  Although her work is not like the typical from Laz’s stable of street artists, her solo show starts on November 13th at the Newcastle location.   She was kind enough to send us some preview images for our readers as well as answer some questions after the jump…

Studio Visits: Jeff Soto (Part II)

Here is Part II of our visit to Jeff Soto’s studio (see part I here). Besides showing us some of his new work for his upcoming show at the Riverside Art Museum, Jeff also decided to let us watch him paint. At first, there were just splotches of color he used as the background, but soon characteristic shapes and details were added. It was a real joy to watch Jeff at work and amazing how quickly he worked. See the process after the jump.

Preview/Interviews: Jeremiah Ketner @ Melanie Cooper Gallery

One of the shows we are looking forward to this weekend is Jeremiah Ketner’s “Morning Showers” opening on November 7th at the Melanee Cooper Gallery in Chicago.  Ketner has really taken his work to another level with his recent shift to focusing on a central character and a mastery of his distinctive color palette.  There really seems to be a comforting sense of balance to his compositions in this new body of work.  He was gracious enough to take some time to answer some questions […]

Studio Visits: Jeff Soto (Part I)

Stopped by Jeff Soto’s studio last week to check out his progress on his upcoming show at the Riverside Art Museum as well as introduce him to the guys at Modus Films. We’re working on a little project that we think you will enjoy. In the meantime, take a look at one of the large paintings he is working on! More after the jump.

Interviews: Tin

There’s a monster LA art weekend (well, including a Thursday) that we will be talking more about coming up in November featuring Craola, Audrey Kawasaki & Friends, Kukula (teased here), Sas Christian, and Tin. First up, an interview that Tin did with us by graciously setting aside some time from his busy painting schedule. AM was first inspired to approach him not only because of his tremendous talent but because there is just not that much information out on this emerging artist. Hopefully, you will […]

Studio Visits / Interviews: Tomokazu “Matzu” Matsuyama

Talented Brooklyn-based artist Tomokazu Matsuyama, AKA Matzu, combines Western urban art and graphic design within a tradition Japanese art historical context, creating an amalgam that is beautiful and unique. Arrested Motion recently had the pleasure of visiting Matzu’s studio, to check out some of his recent work and to chat. Interview after the jump.

Interviews: Brian Despain

Ever wonder how a flying robot goes fishing? I mean, who hasn’t? As the above painting illustrates, Washington-based artist Brian Despain might just have the answer. Fresh off another strong showing at Roq La Rue Gallery in Seattle, Brian was kind enough to take some time out of his busy schedule to sit down and answer some questions with Arrested Motion. Blending superb painting chops, bold iconography, and poignant storytelling, Brian provides an artistic narrative rich in aesthetic qualities and riddled with satirical expressions. After […]