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Showing: Haroshi – “GUZO” @ Nanzuka gallery

Nanzuka Gallery in Tokyo recently opened the long awaited solo by local artist Haroshi (featured). After many successful shows worldwide, Guzo is the first major exhibition for the artist in his hometown. For this showing, the Japanese artist worked on a new concept and created a series of over 20 figurines carved from salvaged skate decks. After trying several different techniques of repurposing old skateboards over the years, Haroshi went back to the original concept of compressing multiple boards together and then using the resulting solid wooden slab as carving material. Through […]

Showing: Mitar Matich – “Encaustics” @ Galerija Juraj Klovich

On April 13th, Mitar Matich introduced his latest body of work at Juraj Klovich Gallery in Rijeka, Croatia. Named after the ancient technique of hot wax painting, Encaustics consists of mostly medium and large size works depicting wildlife caught with camera traps. These pieces are the continuation of the Croatian artist’s constant experimenting with different techniques and approaches to creating work. Though not very popular nowadays, encaustic technique was used extensively in the past from Egyptian mummy portraits all the way to works of 20th-century North American artists, to artists in […]

Streets: Nuart Aberdeen 2017 (Part II)

The other day we did a quick report about some of the new art that was popping on the streets of Aberdeen this past week, so today we’d like to bring you final look at Nuart Aberdeen. From dark alleys, grimy backstreets, to some of the most prominent hotspots of the city, this event produced a series of fresh murals, interventions and public artworks, changing the image of the Grey City. One of the instant local favorites was the brand new piece (seen above) by […]

Previews: Kelsey Brookes – “Position” @ Library Street Collective

On April 27th, Library Street Collective will be presenting new works from Kelsey Brookes, his second solo with the gallery in Detroit. Entitled Position, the show continues the San Diego-based artist’s practice of combining his love for science and his artistic vision, drawing from his background as a former biologist and from his interest in psychedelics. The new pieces investigate both neurotoxins and the Fibonacci sequence, one which is harmful while the other a pattern of perfection in nature, all expressed with his abstract virtual language. Take a […]

Showing: Jamian Juliano-Villani – “Sincerely, Tony” @ Massimo De Carlo (Milan)

Currently showing through the end of the month with Massimo De Carlo in Milan is an exhibition from Jamian Juliano-Villani. Entitled Sincerely, Tony, the new body of work from the American artist, who isn’t shy about appropriation, continues her voracious practice of gathering source material from things like as pop culture, TV, magazines, movies, and art, then filtering them through her mind followed by a collage-like approach of rendering them onto canvas into eerie and surreal compositions. Rounding out the exhibition is a site-specific installation that looks […]

Previews: “Juxtapozed” @ Fort Wayne Museum of Art

Along with the much anticipated Robert Williams’ exhibition at the Fort Wayne Museum of Art, there will also be a group show on view starting April 21st curated by Andrew Hosner of Thinkspace Gallery, Gary Pressman of Copro Gallery, and Adjunct Curator of the museum, Josef Zimmerman. Entitled Juxtapozed, the roster put together to celebrate Juxtapoz Magazine’s impact on this genre of art includes 1010, Aaron Nagel, Alex Garant, Allison Sommers, Amy Sol, Bec Winnel, Benjamin Garcia, Brian Viveros, Chris Mars, Cinta Vidal, Craig ‘Skibs’ Barker, […]

Streets: Nuart Aberdeen 2017 (Part I)

After a couple of busy days on the streets around town, Nuart Aberdeen officially opened on the 15th of April in the Merchant Quarter with a first guided tour for the public. We’re now bringing you the first overview of freshly painted murals and interventions by international artist invited for this event. Organized with an idea to inspire the local community to rethink their interaction with the city, the event is the first project of such scale to be organized in the region. The 11 artists that were […]

Streets: Shepard Fairey (Seoul)

It looks like Shepard Fairey (featured) recently completed a new mural at the Seoul Arts Center in Korea featuring some of his signature imagery. Entitled Peace & Justice Seoul, the new piece was painted at the Hangaram Art Museum where the American graffiti artist currently has an exhibition with the same name on view thru the 30th. Take a look at some more in-progress photos below… Photo credit: Obey Korea and the artist. Discuss Shepard Fairey here.

Streets: The Crystal Ship Festival (Belgium) – Part III

We’ve already reported on some of the murals created on the streets of Ostend in Belgium as a part of the second edition of The Crystal Ship festival that took place last week. With all the pieces being officially finished and signed by the artists, we’re bringing one final look at this year’s works. Stepping aside from the city center, Axel Void painted a large mural on the social housing building on the outskirts of Oostende. After spending a couple of days meeting the people living in the […]

Previews: Robert Williams – “SLANG Aesthetics!” @ Fort Wayne Museum of Art

The Fort Wayne Museum of Art (in association with Thinkspace Gallery) will be presenting Robert Williams’ SLANG Aesthetics! starting on April 22nd. Although there will be new works, the comprehensive exhibition follows similar showings in Los Angeles (covered), Sonoma County, and Santa Fe that also includes drawings and a series of large-scale sculptures and of course oil paintings. Head over to Juxtapoz to hear Williams explain these new paintings in his own words. Via Juxtapoz. Discuss Robert Williams here.