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Openings: David Shillinglaw – ‘Tales of Ordinary Madness’ @ That Gallery

David Shillinglaw (featured) opens his new exhibition entitled Tales of Ordinary Madness today at That Gallery in Bristol. The exhibition coincides with a time of change for the British artist as he moves out of the home and studio which has been his base for the last 12 years and on to new adventures. The works featured include a variety of medium such as paintings on found wood, appliqué, painted collage and a piece comprised of 400 individual sketches of people who he has sat […]

Interviews/Releases: Dale Marshall – ‘Vacant Hero’ Print

Dale Marshall originally started painting graffiti under the name Vermin in the early 1990s and he was a founding member of Bristol’s Souls On Fire crew, who were known for their visceral and heretical style. However, as the decade was coming to an end, his life was spiraling increasingly out of control because of heavy drug use and a resulting mental breakdown which resulted in him being sectioned in a Cornish psychiatric hospital, all of which Marshall has been very open about. Since switching to producing […]

Showing: Augustine Kofie – ‘Building From Memory’ @ Openspace

Augustine Kofie’s Building From Memory exhibition concludes this weekend after a five week run at Openspace in Paris. This is the LA-based artist’s third show with the gallery and the title refers to the acquisition and repeated application of knowledge. In his treatise on education entitled Emile, Jean-Jacques Rousseau emphasizes the value of learning from the natural world, proclaiming that “nature made me happy and good.” Kofie takes this idea only as a starting point and goes on to highlight our ability to use this […]

Showing: The Toaster – ‘Toasted’ @ Jealous Gallery

The Toaster art collective have opened a ‘pop-up’ exhibition at Jealous Gallery in London. Following on from pioneers such as Goldie and Dicy, The Toasters emerged out of the Black Country graffiti scene in the UK in the late 1990s. Their work has seen them reproduce their image of the seemingly mundane toaster on a global scale with Toaster flags being flown at the Glastonbury Festival, Toaster road markings being painted along the route of the Tour de France and postal stickers being stuck up […]

Showing: Invader – “Hello, My Game Is…” @ Musée en Herbe

Invader’s new exhibition entitled Hello My Game Is… opened this week at Le Musée en Herbe in Paris (previewed). During the nascent days of the computer age, the group of hackers at MIT who went on to create the first video game devised the Theory of Computer Toys. The doctrine stated that video games should satisfy a tripartite criteria; they should push the computer’s capabilities to its limits, each run should be different and the game should be interactive. The last of these principles runs through […]

Preview: Miss Van – ‘Flor de Piel’ @ Victor Lope Arte Comptemporáneo

Miss Van opens a new exhibition next week entitled Flor de Piel at Victor Lope Arte Comptemporáneo in Barcelona. The show includes 20 new works and will be the first in her adopted home city in over 10 years. The title refers to the Spanish idiom which directly translates as ‘like the flower of skin’ but which in actual fact refers to the raw honesty of emotions being brought to the surface and being openly displayed. Last year, the Toulousaine artist staged her first museum […]

Previews: Invader – “Hello, My Game Is…” @ Musée en Herbe

Next month, Invader takes over Le Musée en Herbe in Paris for an exhibition entitled Hello, My Game Is… Over 100 new works will be on show, forming part of the museum’s ongoing program to bring art to all generations with a particular emphasis on the young. The title refers to the name stickers, which are popular with graffiti artists and support-group coordinators alike. The twist on the name emphasizes the playfulness of the work and the exhibition’s aim to actively encourage people to interact with the […]

Showing: Anselm Kiefer – “Walhalla” @ White Cube (Bermondsey)

Anselm Kiefer returns to the White Cube’s Bermondsey space after an absence of five years for his latest exhibition entitled Walhalla. Superficially, Catch 22 by Joseph Heller appears to be a novel about the Second World War, but scratching beneath the surface reveals a novel about the twentieth century as a whole with critiques of unfettered capitalism, the rise and fall of geo-political powers and our own inevitable mortality. Equally, at first glance, the work of Kiefer can appear to focus on the long, dark shadow cast […]

Films: Wall Writers: Graffiti in its Innocence

Following a number of screenings across the US this year, Wall Writers has been released on iTunes. The meticulously researched documentary chronicles the birth of graffiti and explains how working class kids wrote their names as an assertion of their existence and their personal identity, distinct from the political and gang graffiti which preceded the movement. This, along with an accompanying book by the same name, is the latest project by Roger Gastman, who previously co-curated MOCA’s landmark Art in the Streets exhibition (covered) and […]

Showing: Gee Vaucher – “Introspective” @ Firstsite

Gee Vaucher has recently opened an exhibition entitled Introspective at Firstsite in Colchester. This is the first major show of her art in the UK and it spans the last 50 years of the multi-disciplinary artist’s practice. The work from the first half of her career is characterized by searing political satire, which was intended as a force for social change. This included publishing the nihilist newspaper International Anthem and working for the New York Times, where she first started using collage. Her continuing relevance […]