South Africa-based DAL East has been busy traveling recently. His new whale mural C is the focus of our latest Streets: World Roundup feature and was put up Melun, France. You’ll also see a mural from his partner in crime and wife Faith47 from the same town as well as a kinetic multi-part piece from Dal from Nambia in our summary below. Other notable walls from this week includes work from Shida – Poland (source), Sten & Lex – France, Broken Fingaz – Austria, Escif – Italy & Mexico, DAL – Africa, Faith47 – France (source), Phlegm – UK, Zilda – Italy, Bumblebee – USA, SCORE – USA (source), RUN – UK (source), and Shepard Fairey – UK (source). Enjoy!

“Graffiti Removal Machine” collaboration with some writers on the outside of the house skatepark in Sheffield. From left to right – Phlegm, Gzos, Jaer, Boms, Teas.